“I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO THE SECOND LEAGUE” Dacic on Kosovo, Montenegro, the EU and if he will continue to be HEAD OF DIPLOMACY


Today, Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić said that it will be difficult for him not to work on the withdrawal of recognition of Kosovo, noting that he told US envoy Richard Grenel that Pristina continues with the campaign for the recognition of independence.

He told TV Prva that he showed Grenella a letter sent by the Kosovo Foreign Minister to Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was worded in such a way as to give the impression that the Washington agreement promotes recognition of independence, because Israel recognizes Kosovo.

– I suppose they also sent that letter to other countries. This confirms our suspicion that not only will they not respect, but they will not stop with the recognition campaign. I delivered the letter to Grenel through President Aleksandar Vučić and they say he called Hoti and told him everything, why they do not respect the agreement – said Dačić.

He emphasized that it is not a problem for Pristina to sign anything, and not implement it later, and the confirmation of that, as Dacic points out, is the Association of Serbian Municipalities.

When asked why he was not in Washington as foreign minister, Dacic said that he and Vucic have different agendas and that is why he was not in Washington.

Commenting on Miroslav Lajcak’s statement that the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) will not be discussed in the technical negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina on Monday, Dacic said that he would ask Lajcak “And when will ZSO deal with it” and that the EU I should ask that.

– It is striking that there is no reaction from Brussels, and they are the guarantors of the agreement that was signed seven years ago, and was signed by Hashim Thaci, Catherine Ashton and myself – said Dacic.

As he says, Serbia is a reliable partner today, it is known in the world that it is difficult to negotiate with Serbia, but when it is agreed, it is respected.

Dacic says he met Grenella when he arrived in Belgrade with the DFC delegation.

– I also like to prod a little. I told Grenel at the meeting chaired by Vučić that I hope he had a good time in Pristina, where Biden Boulevard is, a monument to Clinton … I reminded him that Pristina is the only place in the world where Clinton’s birthday is celebrated. The message was clear, because the Trump administration is in the delegation – said Dacic.

I want to continue playing in the Champions League

Dacic was asked if he expected to be the head of diplomacy in the new government, to which he replied that he still wanted to play in the Champions League and that he would not go to another league.

-I still want to play in the Champions League, I guess I won’t go to another league- he declared for TV Prva.

He explains that it is logical and that they do not understand the Serbian opposition, which only knows how to “beat children, the brothers of those in power.”

– Now they are called the united opposition. What do they say with that, that they will stay like this forever – he said.

To the journalists’ statement that many will say that Dacic cannot understand the opposition because he was in the opposition for 30 or three years, he said that in the period in which he was in the opposition he realized that the socialists are much better that those in power and that it is “stupid to be in the opposition.”

About Montenegro

The winning coalition in Montenegro would shoot itself in the foot if relations with Serbia were strained, says Dacic.

Photo: Vesna Lalic / RAS Serbia

He said on TV Prva that Serbia did not interfere in the electoral process in Montenegro, and that Edi Rama, Ramush Haradinaj and Muslims did.

– Why doesn’t the DPS tell Rama “don’t interfere, Montenegro is not your Greater Albania”? Where are the honorable principles of the DPS? They don’t care about Haradinaj and Rama, and they don’t care about Vučić – said Dačić.

He claimed that the DPS lost to its people and emphasized that Serbia is not interested in who will be in power in Montenegro, but is interested in the position of Serbs in that country.

– We want good relations with Montenegro. It is our people and fraternal state. We will be in one or two countries, but not three – said Dacic.

When asked what third country it could be, Dacic said it can still be divided into whatever it wants, if it follows the logic of separatism. He stated that this refers not only to Serbia, but also to Montenegro if the logic of separatism is followed and if the secession of a part of the territory is recognized.

– They did not recognize Kosovo and separated it from Serbia – says Dačić and affirms that the Patriarchate of Peja and Decani, when we entered the First World War, was Montenegro.

He said that he did not know Montenegrin candidate for prime minister Zdravko Krivokapić, that the Montenegrin government had not yet been formed and that, as things stand now, he would be the prime minister.

He says he has the feeling that they are now attacking Serbia in Montenegro, Aleksandar Vučić and him in particular.

“Now some of those winners are trying to prove themselves and show that now it is not Serbia, that there are differences in relation to the Serbs,” says Dacic.

He considers that it is unnecessary and that they are bad statements, which may be part of political inexperience.

– That would be a shot in the leg of the winning coalition if relations with Serbia were strained – says Dacic.

SAD and EU

The EU will not or cannot play the heavy-handed role and force Pristina to respect what was agreed in the dialogue with Belgrade, while in the case of the United States it has been shown that it is not lacking, says Dacic.

He said that sometimes it seems to him that the EU does not want to have that role and other times that it cannot.

– I do not think so. That is why I think that the EU, before starting to share lessons with anyone in Serbia about Kosovo, should refer to the fact that after seven years, the agreement has not been fulfilled, said Dacic.

He mentioned that at this time, it is completely uncertain why Serbia would go further in political agreements if there is a danger that the agreement will not be respected.

Dacic said it had been shown that in the case of the Dayton Accord, the United States was not without a strong hand.

– You can hang the story that Pristina will not hang something on the bulletin board of the Kosovo government building. Are they opposed to the United States? Well, that is ridiculous – said Dacic and affirmed that the case of the Dayton Agreement and the “iron fist” of the United States may be a person who can help.

When asked if the US President’s special envoy Richard Grenel is the new Richard Holbrooke, Dacic said Holbrooke’s main flaw was that he was not objective and that he “fooled” Slobodan Milosevic at one point.

– He told you that the United States would never recognize the independence of Kosovo if Milosevic allowed the arrival of the OSCE Mission. As it was oral, nobody remembers it – said Dacic.

When asked if he believes in the current administration in Washington, Dacic says he has shown an objective approach as well as goodwill.

– They look at us a little differently now than before. Now we belong to the circle of countries that can say that we are partners – says Dacic.

He says that neither the Dayton Accord nor the Washington Accord recently signed at the White House, regardless of their essential difference, would not have happened without the “shuttle.” diplomacy.

– Now it might be a little different. There are modern forms of communication. Grenel, like Trump, is prone to online communication, Dacic said.

Renewing the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense is a good idea

Dacic says that the good idea of ​​the US President’s special envoy Richard Grenel is for Serbia and the United States to jointly renovate the General Staff and Defense Ministry buildings in Belgrade, which were destroyed during the NATO bombing.

– Grenel’s good idea is that he set out to find something that has a positive response. That’s a change – said Dacic on TV Prva.

He says that the very idea of ​​renovating or building something else on the site of those facilities is not debatable, and states that politically hidden wishes should not be sought in that idea.

He recalled that Donald Trump once, although he was not the president of the United States, wanted to build a hotel in that place.

– I think you have not forgotten that wish – says Dačić and affirms that some believe that it should remain a monument, but that it can also be a hotel in that place.

VIDEO: Dacic: Cross paths do not contribute to our good relationships
