“I did not expect them to leave NATO or withdraw recognition of Kosovo.”


Serbian President Aleksandar Vui said he did not expect the new Montenegrin government to leave NATO and withdraw recognition of Kosovo’s independence.

Source: B92



“I did not expect them to leave NATO or withdraw recognition of Kosovo, I knew they were empty stories,” Vui told RTS.

Vui said that he wants Serbia to have a closer relationship with Montenegro and that he will try to have better relations.

“I tried to be fair, we did not agree with the religious freedom law, the identity of our people was in danger,” he said.

“It is so easy that it will sink them in the US embassy and any embassy,” he said.

Vui mentioned that Serbia will always be with the Serbs in Montenegro.

“I want to tell the Serbs of Montenegro that we will always be with them, and the citizens of Serbia to tell them that we have a country of our own,” he said.

He also mentioned that the future holders of power in Montenegro chose some countries other than Serbia as the first destination of the official visit.

“Politicians come to power, and after that … I know how it goes, I’ve seen several people,” Vui said.
