Tomorrow, Serbian President Aleksandar Vui will attend the inauguration ceremony of Ban Josip Jelai’s birthplace in Novi Sad.
Source: Tanjug

Illustration: EPA-EFE / Georgi Licovski
As Tanjug announced yesterday, the ceremony will be attended by the Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Gordan Grli Radman, together with the President of Serbia.
During the handover of Jelai’s birth house to the HNV representatives, the President of Serbia will be solemnly presented with a project for the renovation of the interior of the house, as a token of appreciation for the process of its transfer to the Croatian national community .
The Serbian government has provided a total of 600,000 euros for the purchase of a 250-square-meter house, and the process of renovating the interior of the house is supervised by the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments in Novi Sad.
According to Tanjug, the project contemplates the adaptation of the interior of the house, which will return it to its original appearance, as in the time when Jelai lived in it.
Ban Josip Jelai Memorial Foundation manager Goran Kauri told Tanjug that the adaptation will be completed next spring.
By the way, Ban Jelai was born on October 16, 1801, and the Croatian national community in Serbia celebrates that day as a national holiday.
Three years ago in Dubrovnik, President Vui spoke with then-Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovi about issues of importance to Serbs in Croatia and the Croatian minority in Serbia, then announced that Serbia would finance the purchase and renovation of Jelai’s house .
Ban and Count Jelai, after whom Zagreb’s main square is named, is one of the most important figures in the history of the Croatian people.