HOW WILL WE CELEBRATE THE CELEBRATIONS? In the family circle, from a distance, and epidemiologists explain why the CANDLE, THE LAMP AND THE TAIMAN MUST BE CONSTANTLY BURNING


In anticipation of the season of celebrations, which will be celebrated this fall and winter in specific circumstances due to the coronavirus epidemic, the profession’s recommendations are clear: baptism should be celebrated with respect to all epidemiological measures, with family and fewer guests.

Epidemiologists constantly warn that the risk is any gathering of a large number of people indoors, in a house or an apartment, and that preventive measures should not be forgotten and that such meetings should be reduced to acceptable limits.

Epidemiologist Dr. Radmilo Petrović told Tanjug that celebrations should be held in the family circle, with fewer guests, that they should not kiss and that it was mandatory to wash their hands.

Roma Glory Bibija in UmčariPhoto: M. Beljan / RAS Serbia

Roma Glory Bibija in Umčari

Indicates that people inside should be at the prescribed distance, with mandatory room ventilation.

According to him, candles, candelabras and incense must burn constantly, because they emit positive ions and somehow sterilize the air.

Vladimir Levićanin, director of the Church of St. George in Belgrade, reminds us that faith dictates a celebration in the family circle, without organizing large celebrations, which the hosts have been organizing even in taverns in recent years.

As he says, something good comes out of every temptation, and this can be an opportunity to return to the old ways, to celebrate with fewer guests, so that we can dedicate ourselves more to each other.

Levicanin told Tanjug that glory during the epidemic should be celebrated in the family circle: with a candle, a consecrated cake, grains, and the number of guests according to the recommendations.

– We must be responsible and we must not endanger our lives and the lives of our loved ones, because celebrating glory and believing in God means doing good to others and being a witness of love – he recalled.

As he said, at this time he does not know if the priests will go to the houses to consecrate the water, because it depends on the epidemiological situation, remembering that for the Easter holidays, the believers went to the church to get water.

“Believers will find a way to respect what is sacred to them,” Levićanin said.

The season of celebrations can also condition the greater arrival of our citizens from abroad, and as already stated by the members of the Crisis Staff, adequate supervision of those who come from abroad during the celebrations is possible.

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