How was the search for the missing mountaineers


Luka Causevic, a member of the SVS, explained that immediately after the report of the disappearance of Stefan and Milica, at the foot of the Bejanica mountain, members of the Emergency Sector actively began their search.

“Fortunately, after 15 hours of searching, involving members of the Emergency Situations Sector, Police Directorate, hunters and locals, the action ended successfully. Stefani and Milica were found and returned home,” said Causevic.

Causevic thanked the members of the Emergency Situations Sector, police from Jagodina, Kragujevac, Pozarevac, Bor and Zajecar, members of the Directorate of Criminal Police and the Directorate of Border Police and the Helicopter Unit, the statement said.

He noted that they have made a great contribution to find and rescue Milica and Stefan Mountain Rescue Service members, hunters, and foresters especially thanked the locals who provided the police with information that was helpful in finding these two people throughout the search.

Search inaccessible terrain

The head of the Despotovac police station, Bojan Ilić, noted that the police took all measures and actions immediately after the report, informed all lines of work and directly joined the search.

“The disappearance was reported around 2:20, after midnight and from that moment, 80 members of the Ministry of the Interior joined the search and rescue operation, as well as employees of the public company Srbija Sume, a large number of hunters from the surrounding hunting associations, and citizens, ”said Ilic.

He explained that the search was carried out in very inaccessible and difficult terrain, with bad weather conditions and at night, for which thermal imaging equipment and night surveillance devices were used.

He noted that Stefan and Milica were found by the hunter, engaged in the search, tonight around 5.30pm with no injuries or frostbite.

Cooperation efficiency

The Deputy Chief of the Jagodina Police Administration, Dejan Purić, assessed that this search action showed the effectiveness of the cooperation of all the organizational units of the Ministry of the Interior and the good cooperation with other institutions, associations and citizens.

The president of the municipality of Despotovac, Nikola Nikolić, thanked the Headquarters of Emergency Situations in that place, the Ministry of the Interior, the hunters, members of the Mountain Rescue Service and all the people who helped with information and activities to finish happily this search and find Milica and Stefan.

“The wider area of ​​Lisina, which was recorded, is one of the largest uninhabited areas in Serbia, with large areas of forest, it is very difficult to move and search. People have made great efforts,” explained Nikolic, who did appeal to the people to learn a lesson. of this case and be careful.
