How much will pensions increase in January?


Belgrade – It will soon be known how much the increase in pensions will be in January.

Source: RTS

Photo: Depositphotos, uroszunic

Photo: Depositphotos, uroszunic

The second time is calculated according to the Swiss formula, according to which the movement of wages and inflation from last July to June of this year also affect the increase in pensions.

While the Fiscal Council believes that a growth of more than four percent would be economically unjustified, the authorities announce that pensions will increase even more than what follows according to the Swiss formula, reports RTS.

Due to a decimal place, last year we waited until the end of October for the final data that pensions will increase by 5.4 percent. This year, we will probably know much earlier how much pensions will increase in January.

“We will literally have information in the next few days about the planned increase in pensions for next year, so we are finishing the analysis of salary growth and inflation for September this year, that is the formula,” said the Finance Minister , Sinia Mali.

According to this formula, wages and rising prices also affect the increase in pensions.

The position of the Pensioners’ Alliance that the Swiss formula continues to be respected

Vasilije Belobrkovi from the Association of Retirees of Serbia points out that the position of the Association is to continue to respect the Swiss formula.

“In addition, we are looking for a fairer relationship between average wages and average pensions,” Belobrkovi said.

The average pension of 27,700 dinars, right now, is 47 percent of the average salary.

“Around 75 percent of pensioners receive less than 20,000 dinars, which is really difficult to sustain. That is why we will probably insist and agree with the Government according to its possibilities, that this corrective factor is introduced and that the pension does not go down 50 percent. ” says Vasilije Belobrkovi.

The plan is to double the amount of the average pension by 2025

Photo: D. Bal

Photo: D. Bali,

Despite economic trends slowed by the pandemic, authorities say they will not give up on the plan to double the average pension amount by 2025.

“We expect the IMF delegation again in October, that is, through these virtual meetings that we will have, one of the issues is the refinement of the Swiss formula model,” explains the Finance Minister.

The goal is for pensions to grow faster. It remains to be seen whether this will be accompanied by a pension adjustment, an increase in the impact of wages in the current formula, or a corrective factor advocated by retiree associations: that pensions rise dramatically when they fall below 50 percent. of wages paid.
