Vladimir Cvijan cremated on January 19, 2018 – Society


The former Secretary General of the Presidency of Serbia during the term of Boris Tadic and former member of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Vladimir Cvijan, whose death was known after three years, was cremated on January 19, 2018, announced the portal Nova.rs today.

Vladimir Cvijan cremated on January 19, 2018 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / MILAN TIMOTIĆ

Portal Nova S claims, referring to his sources, that the cremation request was signed by his father, Mirko Cvijan, otherwise a professor at the Faculty of Biology.

The public in Serbia only learned last week that Cvijan drowned in January 2018, which sparked numerous controversies, considering that it had not been announced anywhere until then, and it is unknown where he was buried.

Cvijan was found dead on January 5, three years ago, after which a kidnapping was carried out, when it was established, and what the Prosecutor’s Office announced a few days ago, that the death occurred by drowning.

Cvijan has been an advisor to Tadic since February 2008, and also served as Secretary General of the Serbian Presidency.

He left the presidency in 2010, and then joined the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), on whose list, in the 2012 parliamentary elections, he was elected deputy, to leave that party the following year.

He was remembered by the public as a sharp critic of the politics of the current president of Serbia and the SNS, Aleksandar Vučić.

Read more on the Nova S.

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