Homosexual behavior is unacceptable, the Comic Minister’s law is from Brussels


The bishop of Bačka Irinej stated that homosexual behavior is unacceptable and that the Law on the recognition of same-sex couples, announced by the Minister of Human Rights and Social Dialogue Gordana Čomić, is not his idea, but Brussels’.

– Our position is as follows: man was created by God as husband and wife, as a marital union, as a family, and not as “two dads” or “two moms”. In this matter, the teachings of the Bible and the Quran are the same. Homosexual behavior is unacceptable for Jews, Christians and Muslims, but the present and the past are not the same time, so today no one and nowhere in the cultural world stones homosexuals, Bishop Irinej told the Pečat newspaper.

As he stated, “today we do not interfere in the personal choice and private life of anyone, nor do we want to deprive anyone of their rights and freedom of will, but we do not accept the imposition of homosexuality on adults and children as equal” orientations “and preference. directed by the media “. Orientation “above the majority, in my opinion natural and obvious”.

– It has reached the point where the gay parade has become one of the main preconditions for membership in the European Union. I am convinced that the initiative of Mrs Gordana Čomić is not her idea, but a directive from Brussels, and others. If that, like the recognition of Kosovo and Metohija as a separate state, is a condition or an ultimatum, thank them for everything: for “opening the chapter”, for “having a membership” and for the promised economic “benefits” (that we , the overcome and unsolvable Serbs said – advantages or gains), and about the promised “huge heights of a bright future” (Alexander Zinoviev), and about everything else and something else – said Bishop Irinej, who is also a spokesman for the Serbian Orthodox Church.

– Let him live as he wants and let him do what he wants, but marriage and “same-sex union” are not the same. It is one thing to recognize the freedom and rights of the members of these communities, quite another to declare them equivalent to marriage and the third is to propagate them relentlessly. After all, let our state organize a referendum on this issue – said the Bishop of Bačka Irinej.
