HIS WIFE LANDED IN THE CHANNEL AND PASSED IN THE FACE OF THE SITE Details of the horrible accident near Kučevo, it is suspected that Miodrag got sick while driving


Miodrag Paunović (70) from Kučevo and Verica Novaković Ristić (54) from Voluje died in a serious traffic accident, which occurred this morning in the area of ​​the village of Voluja near Kučevo.

The accident occurred while the two, in a “Renault Laguna” car, were traveling from Voluje to Kučevo. The vehicle was driven by Miodrag, while Verica was sitting in the passenger seat, writes “Novosti”.

At one point, as it is unofficially known, at the crossroads where he turns into the neighboring town of Dubočka, Miodrag, for unknown reasons, he lost control of the steering wheel and swerved sharply from the road. When the car landed in a canal next to the road on that occasion, the force of the impact with the ground was strong, so both the driver and the passenger were killed instantly. Due to the force of the impact, the car suffered extensive damage, for which the bodies of the victims had to be removed by members of the Emergency Situations Sector.

As they told “Novosti” at the Pozarevac Police Administration, the reason for the sharp turn of the “lagoon” is still unknown, but it is assumed that the driver got sick while driving. According to the inhabitants of Voluje, Miodrag was an Austrian pensioner and due to his poor health and being overweight, Verica took care of him for a time. Both Paunović and Ristić each have three adult children, but did not live with them.
