His “soul food” is spitting on the best tennis player in the world.



27.12.2020. 12:03 – 27.12.2020. 12:09

American journalist Ben Rothenberg built his career on scandals and hatred towards Novak Djokovic.

Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic, Photo: Marko Metlas

With the arrival of this New York Times reporter on stage, animosity towards the best tennis player in the world grows, and somehow Ben Rothenberg was at the center of every story.

He is always the first to report when Novak should be criticized, justified, but even more often unjustified. He doesn’t hesitate to make sarcastic comments either, and it’s all wrapped up in the idea of ​​tennis wellness and the promotion of some younger tennis players.

The American must be recognized for knowing how to touch the weakest point and get people out of the center of gravity, at least for a moment. Thus, in a mythical press conference, Djokovic had a discussion with Rothenberg for nine minutes, who attacked him for his confidence in Chris Kermod in the ATP Council election.

Should Novak silence Rothenberg once and for all?

On one occasion, he noticed a man in Novak’s boxing who was not wearing a mask in the middle of the epidemic, and so Jelena Djokovic had to react.

“That guy has a medical license. It’s not just about kovid. On the other hand, I have trouble breathing while watching my husband play. Everyone around us has been tested and is negative,” Jelena Đoković Miljan Amanović defended on Twitter, Novak’s godfather and physiotherapist.

It bothered him that Djokovic addressed people in general and explained things that helped him succeed on his own. After Novak was disqualified in the fourth round of the US Open after hitting a linesman, Rothenberg posted a video with the following comment:

“Djokovic has a pattern of careless behavior in the field that did not matter much to him before,” he wrote and published a recording of Novak’s conflict with a journalist in London due to a similar situation years earlier.

In addition, he referred to Adria’s tour:

“I have another opinion about tennis during the coronavirus pandemic. The leaders of the ‘Tennis Channel’ have the same, if not greater, responsibility for safety as the organizers. Do not pay for unsafe tournaments!” Do not promote, show, celebrate unsafe events like the Adria Tour, Atlanta, VTT, “Rothenberg said.

In the middle of this year, the salaries of the tennis players in the Rome tournament were announced and it was determined that the winner of the men’s tournament earned 10 euros more than the best tennis player. Novak Djokovic won that tournament, so he found a way to get the Serb involved in a real matter about money, sexism and gender discrimination in sports.

The Serb was silent about all of these poisonous attacks by Rothenberg, which gave the American an incentive to continue the provocations.

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