– Ognjen entered the room to charge his mobile phone. The accident occurred when he pushed the charger onto the extension cord. At that time, the boy was hit by electricity – says the source and continues:
– The parents and brother found out that something happened in the room, and when they entered, they found Ognjen on the floor. His hand was blue. According to the neighbors, the father took his son in his arms and took him from the sixth floor, where they live, to the other, to the apartment of the neighbor who works as an ambulance technician.
– The father ran down the stairs with his son in his arms and shouted, “Oh my God, why didn’t the electricity hit me! Why him?” He called his neighbor and asked for first aid. The neighbor immediately began resuscitating the boy, and also called his colleagues from the ER. When they arrived, they revived the boy for an hour and a half, but sadly, he was not saved. Apparently the current killed him on the spot. It appeared to have been struck by lightning, say the building’s shocked neighbors.
Promising coached football
The neighbors only have words of praise for the Zivkovic family. – Ognjen was a wonderful and educated child. He coached soccer, like his brother, he was very talented. We cannot believe that he was so murdered, neither guilty nor guilty, in his apartment. Terrible, the neighbors were upset.
As they say, they heard that the electrical shock was likely due to faulty installations.
– The Zivkovics live on the sixth floor, it’s an upgrade and they almost moved in, about a year ago. We heard that the ground connection was bad, and today we also saw people from EPS, who were checking the electricity in the building. By the way, the apartment is new and the building is relatively new, say the neighbors. During the day yesterday, a large number of friends and family were with the inconsolable Živkovićs. Many of them carried flowers and candles.
(Kurir.rs/ J. Ivic / Photo: Nemanja Nikolic)

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