His attackers are threatened with prison, he complains, AND HE IS SILENT ABOUT THE SILENCE OF MILADIN KOVAČEVIĆ


The vice president of the Freedom and Justice Party, Borko Stefanović, is shocked by the punishments that the Kruševac High Prosecutor’s Office proposed for his attackers. At the same time, Stefanović is remarkably silent on the new incident of Miladin Kovačević, who previously had his way due to a much more serious matter, thanks to Stefanović.

In 2008, as a senior official in the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stefanović intervened so that Kovačević, following the brutal beating of the American citizen Brian Steinhauer, obtain travel documents and flee the United States to Serbia. Steinhauer barely survived after Kovacevic’s assault, for which Serbia had to pay her family up to a million dollars in compensation.

Although she played a significant role in all of this, like her then boss Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic, both are silent today on the report of a girl claiming that Kovacevic beat her.

photo: Ana Paunković

Instead, Stefanović is wounded from his 2018 case, when attackers hit him on the head with a barbell in Kruševac. The Kruševac High Prosecutor’s Office requested a sentence of four and a half years in prison for Miloš Šaponjić and three and a half years each for Marko Živković and Danijel Gmijović, accused of that incident.

Stefanović is extremely unhappy with those punishments, so he says that after all, “it feels like a thrown rag.”


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