10.12.2020. 10:55
A list of companies that will be paid another minimum wage has been published.

Money, dinars, Photo: Shutterstock
The Tax Administration has published a list of economic entities that have exercised the right to non-reimbursable funds in accordance with the Decree on the determination of the Program of programming and use of subsidies to support the restaurant and tourism industry due to the difficulties commercial caused by the SARS-KoV-2 virus epidemic.
It should be remembered that the Government recently adopted this decree and announced that 1.98 billion dinars were earmarked for the payment of another minimum wage for employees of catering, hotel, tourism and rent-a-car agencies, reported eKapija.
You can see the list on the website of the Ministry of Finance.
Catering and tourism services also asked the NBS to remind us of a new moratorium on loans, but the central bank told them they could turn to commercial banks for those benefits.
It is now definite that around 2.1 million citizens in Serbia will have higher incomes as of January. The increase of 1.7 million pensioners in January’s pension can already be calculated in dinars, and the growth of wages in the public sector is known. Older people should expect higher incomes, but also around 400,000 employees in the public sector: medical workers, teachers, soldiers, public administration …
Starting in January, 120,000 healthcare workers will receive a five percent pay increase.
Wages will increase at the same time in the rest of the public sector, but according to a different “formula”. That is, their wages for January, February and March will increase by 3.5 percent. Then, starting April 1, your wages will grow another 1.5 percent, so your total increase will be five percent.
All retirees should expect a linear increase in income of 5.9 percent from the January pension. After the increase, the average pension will increase from the current 27,769 dinars to 29,407 dinars, or 1,638 dinars. On December 18, pensioners will receive financial aid of 5,000 dinars each.