Aleksandar Milić paid 1,500,000 euros for a yacht and a villa, Emina Jahović helped him find a house in a famous trendy summer resort! (PHOTO)



13.03.2021. 22:20

Aleksandar Milić Mili is currently enjoying with her family in the Turkish resort of Godzek, where she bought a villa for which she donated around 900,000 euros. In addition to the house in this fashionable place, the Milligram leader anchored his yacht there, for which he received, according to sources, about 600,000 euros.

Aleksandar Milić Mili with competitors

Aleksandar Milić Mili with competitors, Photo: Hello!

Rich Aleksandar Milić Mili for town I cool down in Turkey gave 1,500,000 The new director of “Grand”, the author and leader of the Miligram group, is currently resting in the house he bought in the elegant Godzek summer resort, where his neighbor is Emina Jahovic.

Aleksandar Milić Mili is currently enjoying with her family in the Turkish resort of Godzek, where she bought a villa for which she donated around 900,000 euros. In addition to the house in this fashionable place, the Milligram leader anchored his yacht there, for which, according to sources, he paid close to 600,000 euros.

The composer and the new director of “Grand” wisely invested the money earned in real estate. So a few years ago, when he was on vacation with Emina Jahović in Godžek, a luxurious summer resort near Feti, he decided to buy a house there.

According to our interlocutor close to the composer, he hired a realtor with the help of the singer, so he looked at several villas with his wife Nina. However, in the end they liked the house they decided on, so they decided to buy it without any further thought. A great advantage was that the villa is very close to the sea, but also to the city center, luxury restaurants, bars. Given that properties of this type range between 600,000 and a million and a half euros, which is not surprising considering that it is a luxurious summer resort for those with a deeper pocket, Mili allegedly donated some 900,000 euros for the villa.

According to the interlocutor, he did not regret the money because he knows that it is a smart investment, as well as that he travels there at least twice a year with his family, so in the long run it is better to have his house there. . He spent more than a month in Godzek last summer, accompanied by Emin and his sons Jaman and Javuz. The singer also has a luxury villa in that summer resort, in the Mili neighborhood, so they stayed all summer.

By the way, as we learned, the musician bought a small yacht in addition to real estate, which he anchored in the port of Godzek. According to the source, he donated approximately 600,000 euros for it, and how much he enjoys his ship is also shown on his Instagram, where he often posts photos while sailing the Aegean.

As we mentioned, Mili still remains in this spa, from where she usually informs her colleagues through social networks, but never reveals which location is questioned. From there, he also communicates with his candidates in the “Big Stars” contest. We tried to contact the composer, but his number was not available.

He is not the only one, Jashar is his neighbor

Mili is not the only one on the domestic scene who has bought a house in this region. A few kilometers from Godzek, in Fethiye, Jasar Ahmedovski also has a house.

Folker bought this property a long time ago. The singer, judging by his Instagram profile and photos, goes to Turkey at least once every three months. Besides a house on the sea, he also has an apartment in Istanbul.

Read all about Mili’s new position in “Grand” HERE.
