The glory of Christ has been passed down from father to son for centuries among the Serbian people, and has remained so to this day. For this custom to be properly implemented, the Holy Synod of Bishops, in 1985, made a decision that clarifies this important institution.
This parliamentary decision says: “Since the baptismal feast is a feast of the” Little Church “, that is, the family, even the smallest family must celebrate it. When a son is separated into a separate household, especially when he marries, he is obliged to celebrate his first name.regardless of the fact that his father celebrates it in the old home. “
From this decision it is quite clear that if the father hands over the baptismal feast to the son and the son begins to celebrate it in his apartment, the father continues to celebrate the baptismal feast in the old house.
However, there is no obstacle for a father to go to his son in search of glory one year, and a son to his father another year, to celebrate his first name together. Now both are hosts, they can celebrate their baptism separately, in their homes, to invite their guests, and they can also visit each other.
How to properly celebrate glory – you should know this, not feel ashamed!

If the father dies, the mother usually goes to the child’s party, but she can also celebrate the family celebration at home. In any case, parents do not cease to celebrate the baptismal feast, as long as it is current and possible, even if they have given it to one or more children. The glory does not end with the conference, it is not a piece of furniture, it can be in a single house, it is a family party and as long as there is a family, even in the smallest form, like a small church, it must celebrate its baptismal glory.
When parents grow old and can no longer prepare for the celebration and receive guests, they will celebrate their family celebration with their children, as well as other important Christian holidays.
Glory is passed from father to son in the first year when the son starts his family, then the son comes to the father for glory. On that occasion, the father hands a quarter of the party cake into his right hand and congratulates himself on the party. The son brings a piece of cake home and shares it with his family. The following year, the son celebrated glory on his own.
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