17.09.2020. 17:55 – 17.09.2020. 18:29
The deputy prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor’s Office in The Hague, Kwai Hong Yip, resigned today after the scandal with the files that were sent to the so-called veterans office. KLA.

The Hague, Photo: Tanjug / Peter Dejong
According to the Pristina Gazeta Express, he resigned because several thousand files, containing the names of the witnesses and their testimonies, reached the KLA Veterans Organization.
Does the Hague Tribunal help the KLA terrorists?
As is said, Ip was in the position of special prosecutor for some time, after the departure of David Schwendiman, and questioned the members of the so-called KLA who were summoned to The Hague as suspects.

The Hague, Photo: Tanjug
The KLA veterans organization, which opposes the existence of the Special Court, says the files that came into its office contain the original Court documents.
Ip is a British lawyer with extensive experience as an international prosecutor in the Western Balkans, and has worked as a deputy to Schwendiman, as a special prosecutor and as a chief prosecutor for the Special Investigation Task Force and as head of the Special Prosecutor’s Office.