He pulled his hand and felt something soft and warm


Today, at the Gradina border crossing, customs officials faced another unusual attempt to cross the state border illegally, when, in cooperation with the police, they found a young Syrian woman hiding in a specially modified smuggling bunker.

The case was discovered at the entrance to this junction when, shortly after midnight, a “Toyota” car with Danish license plates was selected for a detailed inspection.

Syria in half drawn from Photo: Customs Administration / Photos provided

The Syrian half taken out of the “bunker”

With him was a 62-year-old Danish citizen of Syrian origin, who stated very categorically that he had nothing to report except personal luggage.

During the check, which followed, the customs officer immediately noticed that something was repaired and finished under the back seat of the car.

When he removed the upholstery and reached into the cavity, which was obviously significantly expanded relative to the original factory space, he felt, as he later said, something soft and warm.

Photo: Customs Administration / Photos provided

It quickly became apparent that a human was hiding in the “bunker” under the seat.

When the person wrapped in a blanket was brought out of hiding, the driver first claimed it was his son.

Later, when some personal documents were found, he changed his statement, saying that it was his sister’s daughter, a young woman between 22 and 24 years old, whose husband and daughter are in Belgrade, where he allegedly intended to smuggle her.

Photo: Customs Administration / Photos provided

Whether this is indeed the case or whether it is sex trafficking will be determined during further investigation by police and prosecutors.

We remind you that a similar case was discovered at this crossing on August 24, when a 73-year-old Swede of Moroccan origin tried to smuggle a 31-year-old Moroccan woman into a modified “bunker” of a van, claiming that it was his wife.
