He literally did NOTHING, and gets mad when asked to QUIT.


Experienced football expert Dragoslav Stepi Stepanović is disappointed after the Serbian team’s huge failure in the final of the barrage for the European Championship placement.

Stepanović believes that the main culprit for the Eagles’ desperate games is the national team manager, Ljubiša Tumbaković.

He hoped that at first he would form a game and a team that would change only because of cards and injuries. When that, in each game a different line-up! And then what to expect? That man never laughs or at least I haven’t seen him. He is still angry when asked if he will resign, and he has literally done nothing.“, Stepanović is sharp.

Popular Stepi also referred to Serbia’s performances in the Nations League.

I have no idea who can and wants to play against Hungary. As things are now, we will play in the next period against Azerbaijan, the Faroe Islands … And we had the opportunity, to say the least, to achieve sporting success and get a lot of money from UEFA. At least we’re still ready to joke. I read somewhere that it is good that Mitrovic was lost, because no one will fill us in the European Championship, and that we have not lost in that competition for 20 years.“says Stepanović for” Alo “and adds:

North Macedonia, with two million inhabitants and without much tradition, managed to make its way to the EP, and we did not. That speaks a lot about the situation in our football.“.

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