He is my voice of reason!


Bojana Ristivojević entered 2021 with a smile on her face. Although last year was bad for everyone, because we all faced the crown, she still had reason to be happy. He became a part of Prva TV, and was entrusted with hosting the morning show on Fridays.

Roses also bloom for her on a private level, and she reveals to Kurir that she is also happy and satisfied in love. At the beginning of the interview, we discussed her transition from the world of reality, which she directed, to an informational program.

– I prepared for a few weeks, but it was more of a technical rehearsal, so that I would get used to working in the space of the First Morning Program. I watched what my colleagues were doing, I watched morning shows and other televisions, not only national but also foreign, I asked what I didn’t know … I was always eager for new challenges, including this one. Every day I try to work on myself, prepare and be my best. So that nothing would be difficult for me, I worked in the morning and before, seven, eight years ago. But Jutarnji Prva is really special, not only the most watched but also the most complex, and I am happy to work in that editorial office.

Bojana Ristivojevic
photo: Zorana Jevtić

Did you have stage fright before the first show?

– It was not a real nervousness but rather a greater dose of responsibility and that is why I was very relaxed in the program. I was too careful. Now everything has returned to its own thing and in the program I feel good, natural and the viewers see it.

How difficult is it for you to get up early?

– I like to get up early and nothing is difficult for me. If I woke up later, I would be depressed. This is how I can get it all.

You are the first presenter to go from reality to news.

– I started my journalistic career at “Glas Podrinja” in 2008. I worked briefly at International Radio Serbia, and then at Happy. If I’m the only one who went from reality to information, then I’m probably the only one who at some point went from informational to reality.

A period after leaving the previous television did not work out. How did you spend that time?

– Enjoy it. I traveled, I rested, I spent more time with my family, with friends.

That game was a brave move. Were you afraid of what to do next?

– I have never been afraid of the future, of uncertainty. I have always tried to live honestly, not to harm anyone with any of my gestures, so that no one is sad for me, to help whoever I can, at least for a moment to beautify everyone I know, to smile and say a nice word. I believe in that saying “what you sow, so you will reap”, it has always guided me for that. So from the start, it was clear where he would be when he needed him and what kind of job he would find. I was not afraid.

Bojana Ristivojevic
photo: Zorana Jevtić

Many people are also interested in your love life. Is there something new in that field?

– I haven’t talked about this before, because I think I should keep those things to myself. But my New Years message is that only through love and partnership do we become whole. Complete and fulfilled. I felt it the moment I met a man who was truly valuable. Worthy of attention and affection, which is not only my love but also the support and the voice of reason. And love is the most important thing, what I wish you all in the new year.

You have a niece for over a year. How does it feel to be aunt?

– The moment when Đurđa was born is the most beautiful and happy of my life so far. She is just like my sister when she was little, she has the same gestures. She’s already started talking, but it all sounds like a lot of fun, so I always laugh when I’m with her. We are very close, we see each other often, I go to town with them, but they also come to Belgrade.

You usually visit monasteries. Does it help you find your spiritual peace?

– Of course, it contributes and it is very interesting that my friends for years, when they feel the need to visit a monastery, call me for advice or ask me to announce it to the abbot, to one of the monks. Even the people who follow me on social media. I grew up not far from the Kaona monastery, and I go there often, and in the last year my sisters from the Sretenje monastery and the brothers from the Transfiguration, from the Ovčar-Kablar gorge, have become very close to my heart. I know you will read this interview, so I take this opportunity to say hello. Serbia has wonderful monasteries. We run into the world to see its culture and we forget how beautiful our places are. Jelena Stuparušić

I often go to my town after work

Will you spend Christmas with your family or will you stay in Belgrade?

– A few years ago, I discovered a shortcut to my town, to be able to get from Belgrade to my house in less than an hour, so that business obligations do not interfere with my return home. I often go to town after work and return the next day. It’s really not far and it’s not difficult for me to drive. Seeing my family is important to me and I am sure I will be with them, just like any other Christmas.

Messenger, Jelena Stuparušić, photo: Zorana Jevtić

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
