He hit a woman on a pedestrian, jumped out of the car, and when he saw who just grabbed his head and cried!



05.10.2020. 12:15 – 05.10.2020. 12:25

A woman in her 50s died on Friday around 5.30pm on Dragoslava Srejovića Street in Belgrade. She was shot down in the crosswalk by a farmhouse driver in her 60s.

Car crash

Traffic accident, Photo: Tanjug

To make matters worse, the two, as it is unofficially known, are in a best man relationship.

Eyewitnesses claim that the woman got off the bus going to Mirijevo and then stepped on the crosswalk.

– A neighbor got off the bus arriving from the city center and started to cross the street while still at the station, and the driver of the dacha came from the direction of Mirijevo and did not see the woman at the bus crossing , so he cut it off. The impact was so strong that the unfortunate woman was pulled off her shoes, a witness said.

The driver immediately got out of the car and as soon as he saw what he had done, he screamed in agony.

“Oh what have I done,” he groaned, clutching his head. He immediately called an ambulance, which according to eyewitnesses arrived after 20 minutes.

Doctors immediately treated the injured woman, who still showed signs of life, but soon passed away at the Emergency Center.

The woman’s husband and son arrived at the scene, who only heard the news after 30 minutes.

The residents of Karaburma were in shock and all wondering how the accident really happened.

Car crash

Traffic accident, Photo: Alo.rs

– Some witnesses say that the driver, when his wife suddenly appeared in front of the car, gave gasoline in shock, instead of the brake, and the investigation will determine how the accident really happened. I saw that she was lying on the street in a pool of blood for a long time, then they turned her on her side so she would not suffocate, but she probably lost too much blood, so she did not survive – said a neighbor.

– The two arrived when, after the investigation, the police were already removing the tracks of the accident from the street and restoring traffic on this busy road. The son cried when he saw his mother’s blood and things on the street and asked his father to take them away. The man who beat the poor woman went to meet his family to explain what happened, while the son wept inconsolably for his mother. He told them he was sorry for everything – says a witness to a serious accident.

According to him, the police calmed the son and husband of the injured woman, telling them that the woman was taken to the hospital and that she would be fine.

– The driver of the country house told the inconsolable son and his father that he had not seen the woman in the zebra and that he wanted to go to the ambulance to help the injured if he could. In the end, everyone knows him as a good man and everyone regrets him too, eyewitnesses emphasize.

The force of the impact was so strong that one woman’s shoe ended up on the sidewalk and the other on the pavement.
