He did not wear a mask, he will have to pay 150,000 dinars!



06.10.2020. 09:40

Sanitation inspectors yesterday issued a fine to a private carrier because the bus driver did not have a mask and five fines to passengers who refused to wear masks on public transport in Belgrade.

Crown, passengers, bus, masks, gsp, mask, troll

Korona, passengers, bus, masks, gsp, mask, troll, Photo: Alo.rs/M.Š.

– Teams of sanitary inspectors, who since yesterday control the observance of epidemiological measures in public transport, and who were assisted by the communal militia, sanctioned a legal person, that is, a private carrier whose driver was not wearing a mask. That report now goes to the misdemeanor court, where the judge will determine the amount of the fine, and the threatened fine is 150,000 to 500,000 dinars, says our Belgrade government source.

Does it comply with the prescribed epidemiological measures?

It adds that five passengers will also be fined for not wearing a mask, and the fine, according to the Serbian government decree, is 5,000 dinars.

About 50 city buses were inspected. Our goal is not to punish people, but for everyone to respect the measures. Health inspectors warned all unmasked passengers to wear them, and most of them were polite and put them on after that warning. However, there were also those who claimed that they did not need a mask and that no one could force them to wear it. They had to leave the vehicle and a fault report was drawn up, which will be dealt with by the fault judge. – says the source and adds that inspectors and communal militias continue to control the city’s transport vehicles.
