HE CALLED ME “DAUGHTER OF LIBYA” – Former Head of Nursing Muammar al-Gaddafi also gave an obituary for the anniversary of his death this year


This obituary, like every year on this day, was published by Nada and Đuro Sekulić. Nada used to be the head of nursing at the “Ajda” hospital in Tripoli, where only the colonel, his family members and the families of the four closest associates were treated.

Last year, Nada spoke with “Novosti” journalist Jelena Matijevic on this occasion, who pointed out interesting details about Nada’s stay and work in Libya in those years.

– I was part of the medical team that was with him every day – says Nada. – Where is it, there we are. It is true that the doctors changed from time to time, and only the chief doctor from Pakistan and I were with him. Continuously for two years. He had infinite trust in us. It is interesting that their cooks, support staff, cleaners, coaches who worked with their children, drivers … were mostly Serbs. Over time, I realized that our people especially loved and admired him, because he knew the story. He was an educated man, a noble and sincere fighter for a better life for his people. I fear that a man like him will never be born again in Libya, that these wonderful people will never have such a leader again, Nada Sekulić said at the time.

Nada Sekulic with Gaddafi / Private Photo Archive

In 1985, after the death of two members of the closest family, our interlocutor decided to move to Libya for temporary work through the Institute for Technical Cooperation with Non-Aligned Friendly Countries. Due to many years of experience in operating rooms, she was assigned to a hospital in Benghazi.

– After less than two months, one afternoon in early October, how and why I do not know, a close collaborator of the colonel came and told me that it had been decided to be part of Gaddafi’s medical team – says Nada.

Gaddafi’s obituary

– I didn’t believe it, until, an hour and a half after midnight, he appeared at the door – Nothing remembers. He came in with a wide smile and held out his hand, which was a sign of special attention. He said: “I am Muammar Gaddafi”, and my reaction was: “I am Nada Minić”. The nervousness passed immediately because I had the impression that I was with someone else born. When I asked him if he would work for him, he replied that it would be an honor.

He left a year and a half after the bombing of Libya in 1986, because the sanctions were such that there were no more living and working conditions. At the farewell she received a gold pendant from Mrs. Safija, which she only wears on special occasions, and a watch with her Colonel’s face, which she has been wearing for three and a half decades.


WHEN he came to the Non-Aligned Summit in Belgrade in 1989, just half an hour after landing at the airport, his first associate called me and told me that I should go with my wife as soon as possible – recalls Nada. – We were with him in less than an hour. Although that Bedouin had tents in Dedinje at the time, he received us at Tolstojeva 2, with open arms, with a wide friendly smile. It was then that she met my husband. He asked her if she was taking good care of me and said: “You have to take care of her, Nada is the daughter of Libya.” That was our last meeting.

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