According to Serbian media, the JCC issue blocked the dialogue that is taking place in Brussels, so the meeting scheduled for September 28 was canceled, writes Gazeta Express.
Source: Kosovo online

Photo: Depositphotos, Yarr65
EU spokesman Peter Stano told Gazeta Express today that the dates of the meetings between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels will be announced soon.
However, the Serbian media reports that Pristina and Belgrade will not sit at the table, after Kosovo’s refusal to enter into a dialogue on the Union of Serbian Municipalities.
The Gazeta Express contacted the Kosovo dialogue coordinator, Skender Hyseni, who stated in the last meeting with Serbia in Brussels that he had clashed with the Serbian side, because they insist that the JCC be the topic of conversation.
Hyseni said Kosovo’s position was expressed during the discussion on the JCC last Thursday in Brussels.
In that sense, he did not say whether the September 28 meeting was canceled, he said he would not comment on the articles in the Serbian media, according to Gazeta Express.