Half of all new infected are from Belgrade, the capital is a confirmed FOCUS and the number of infected is growing in THESE THREE CITIES


Of the 120 newly infected, according to the latest corona section, up to 47 percent, or 57 of them, are from Belgrade, confirming that the capital is the main focus of the corona virus in Serbia.

Let us remind you, in the last 24 hours in Serbia, 7,076 people were tested for the corona virus, 120 of them tested positive, while sadly one person died. According to the latest data, these are respirators in health institutions throughout Serbia. 19 patients.

As for other cities, Vranje, Nis and Kragujevac have 7 infected each, followed by Novi Sad with 4. Prijepolje, Krusevac and Sremska Mitrovica have 3 each, Merosina and Trstenik have 2 and the rest have one or none infected.

Our epidemiologists have been warning for several days that Belgrade is a hotbed, but now the situation is seen to be unfavorable in Vranje, Nis and Kragujevac.

A jump from last week

The number of infected in the capital has been growing since last week, and the previous weekend was marked as a turning point, so control over the implementation of the measures has been strengthened. However, that did not seem to be enough and the numbers continued to grow.

That is why three days ago the Crisis Staff issued a warning and an appeal:

“These numbers warn that it is very important that the citizens of Belgrade respect the maximum protection measures, especially when it comes to wearing masks on public transport, in shops, in shopping centers, in all enclosed spaces.”

These, they add, are measures that have led to a favorable epidemiological situation, which, however, can easily be broken, if we yield to their respect.

“That is why the Crisis Team calls on all citizens of Belgrade to be responsible, to adhere to protective measures and to take care of themselves and others, because any relaxation can lead to a significant worsening of the situation. epidemiological “, they emphasized.

Crisis Headquarters Ambush Tomorrow

As for the reason for the increase in the number of infected people and the fact that almost half of the newly met people in the capital died, it lies in the fact that public transport is marked as a high risk place for the spread of the virus, and Belgrade residents rarely wear masks on buses. In addition, a large number of students from various parts of Serbia came to the capital, but also a large number of Belgraders returned from summer vacation from the risky surrounding countries.

The Crisis Staff will also meet tomorrow, and according to the announcements, in addition to reviewing the current epidemiological situation, it is possible that the toughening of measures and sanctions will be discussed. One of the possible new measures is the mandatory use of outdoor masks.

VIDEO: How does the spread of the infection look with and without a mask?
