H1 is leading a constant chase, we hope it will change the way it behaves


Shortly after H1 announced that our team was unable to enter the port of the Church of the Holy Epiphany in Srbobran, to mark the 79th anniversary of the Raid in Bačka, Eprahija Bačka appeared on their website, rating the behavior of the H1 team scandalous.

“Members of the H1 television team tried to enter the temple on their own and do whatever they wanted, as part of their ongoing persecution against the Serbian Orthodox Church,” the statement said, noting that an Eprahija official politely asked them to respect the sanctuary and the prayers of the temple. victims of fascism.

“We believe that this powerful media house will misuse and adapt illegally recorded material to its basic structure, which is that the Serbian Orthodox Church does not allow the media to ‘do their job’ and therefore ‘denies all citizens from Serbia the right to timely information, “said Eprahija. They say that such thesis is false.

The diocese also announces that it expects H1, as well as, as claimed, its subsidiary media institutions, to change the previous unsuitable way of working and previously obtain the necessary permits or accreditations to report on events organized by the Serbian Orthodox Church.

H1 recalls that this is a public event, to which the media were invited by the office of the President of the Provincial Government and the President of the Vojvodina Assembly, as well as that no team of journalists that covered the event needed accreditation. After all, the same thing happened at the Raid commemoration in previous years.

