GOVERNMENT SESSION: A proposal was adopted to amend the Constitution, the card “For our heroes” was presented.


As announced by the Government, with this initiative she and the Ministry of Justice confirmed their firm commitment to the implementation of the reform processes and the fulfillment of the activities of the revised Action Plan for Chapter 23.

– The change of the Constitution in the judicial part is a necessary step to further strengthen the rule of law and greater harmonization with the acquis and European standards, the announcement states.

The Conclusion was also adopted on the establishment of a temporary project – “For Our Heroes” Benefits Card for employees, employees and volunteers of the kovid system – 19, which had adequate facilities due to difficult living and working conditions during the pandemic.

With the implementation of this card, it will be possible to obtain benefits when paying for goods and services with companies, legal entities, entrepreneurs, institutions and collaborating companies with which a collaboration protocol will be signed. In addition, cardholders will have the advantage of exercising their rights and receiving services in state institutions, public companies, local governments and social welfare institutions.

The card will be personalized and can be used throughout the territory of Serbia, regardless of the user’s place of residence.

The “For Our Heroes” support program is being implemented in cooperation with the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The measures and activities related to the “For our heroes” benefit card will be temporary, that is, they will be limited to the duration of the pandemic.

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