Gojković: Miracles are not possible until the New Year, there will be no tests at the airport


Provincial Health Secretary Zoran Gojković says it is unrealistic to expect the number of kovida-19 patients to drop drastically by the New Year and that organized New Year’s Eve celebrations will be possible, but that the Serbian government “will try to find a measure. throughout”. He added that new measures will be known on Monday, which will apply to those who plan to arrive from Serbia from abroad, but emphasized that “tests at the airport will not be possible.”

“I understand everyone’s desire to live a normal life, we are at our peak now, it is not realistic that in two or three weeks, before the New Year, a miracle will happen, that we do not have people in hospitals. But we will try to find a measure throughout”. Gojković said at the press conference in the Serbian Government.

According to Gojković, the epidemiological measures taken in the last two or three weeks give some results.

“We do not have a striking increase in the number of new infected, now we have settled in some numbers in three or four days, we should not ignore that, because we are at the very peak of the epidemic. But we have managed to stabilize the curve, how long will remain in that position. ” We’ll see, “says Gojković.

He adds that the decrease in the number of infected will not be rapid.

“It will last, it is our job not to allow this curve leveling to be compromised by some new bad behavior,” he says.

Gojković also claimed that according to the latest data, the four largest cities in Serbia dominate in terms of the number of newly infected. “Mainly Belgrade with 1,561 infected, Novi Sad with 461, Kragujevac with 267 and Nis with 225 new cases of kovida-19,” he said.

It is followed by Kraljevo with 219 new infected in the last 24 hours, Pancevo with 151 and Subotica with 113 new infected.

A member of the crisis staff says that there is no data on the number of active cases for the whole of Serbia, but said that there are around 35,000 active cases in the Vojvodina territory.

The commander of the kovid military hospital in Karaburma, Ivo Udovicic, said that 130 patients were hospitalized at that hospital.

“Of them, 14 are in the intensive care unit and seven were intubated in a difficult general condition,” he emphasized.

The doctor adds that there is a notable increase in the number of new patients in the last 10 days, so, he says, patients are discharged from that hospital earlier than expected.

“A part of the patients goes to temporary facilities, like the ones in spas, and a part goes home,” Udovicic said.

Regarding the severity of the clinical picture of the patients, Udovicic assures that it is “equal” in percentage, with a greater number of total and infected patients.

“I have been with the most difficult patients in the hospital for eight months. Compared to April or July, the clinical picture is the same, only the numbers are different: in July we had 460 infected in one day, now there are 10 or 20 times more. And then we had difficult patients, only now there are 10 times more, “said Udovicic.

“Don’t ask the salon doctors”

Udovicic described the situation in hospitals.

Ivo Udovicic
Source: Tanjug / Rade Prelić

“Do not ask the salon doctors, they will tell you that this is the common flu, ask the doctors, this is a very serious disease, an epidemic like this has never existed, Spanish fever has never been like this, the whole world He is in a disaster. The most difficult patients, he cannot describe it, leaves traumas for all of us, and especially for families, because both young and old die “, Udovicic emphasizes.

And he added: “And there is nothing we can do, there is no cure for this disease, we only have protocols, we have no cure. There is a vaccine that can stop the epidemic. These measures prescribed by the Crisis Staff are forced, we are talking about keeping distance and wearing masks, it is the most effective “.

He also called on young people, who do not take the situation seriously, to “appease.”

“If you still do not have mercy on health workers, let them have compassion on your family members, the oldest, who are in greatest danger,” he said.

And when asked if there will be an organized New Year’s Eve party, he jokingly says, “We are preparing a party in Karaburma, we decorate the Christmas tree, we put a protective mask and visor on the Christmas tree, and everyone is welcome to Party”.

Then he added that “the Christmas tree is green, not red.”

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
