GAGGY OUT OF YOURSELF, HAD MILJKOVIC! You shouldn’t have called Luna a BITCH! Marko lasts: I will never forget her | The latest news


Marko and Gagi

Photo: Youtube printcreen / Cooperative Official

One of the first clips featured on tonight’s “Watching the Record” show featured Luna Djogani and Gagi Djogani’s conversation in isolation. Gagi advised her daughter not to fall mentally because Marko Miljkovic condemned her for lying to her. Then Miljkovic spoke about the situation.

– I will forgive her, she is not in dispute, it is the smallest problem, leaving it aside, but the biggest problem is forgetting it. That would dig me. I told him that a part of me lost, that trust cannot be restored. I really can’t justify it. When I asked him under the quilt he didn’t tell me. This story has been going on for months and he never told me. And everything was great. No problem, I will forgive Luna. Fighting for the table, breaking, I will seek to forgive and soften the relationship, but I will not forget it. I will try to generate respect, but to reconcile there is no possibility, I know myself, I will not forget it and there is no possibility of continuing. I will seek to soften the relationship and create respect. I would only learn a lot when I listened to Gagi. Many of the things I said I didn’t listen to, didn’t respect me. I did not do it to educate her, but to facilitate the task. Everything I did was for his own good, but it turned out to be in vain. For the past few days, while I had a presentation on the table, I was doing everything that bothers me. When this disruption occurs, people are found to immediately fill their heads and succumb to the pressure. All my fight in these five days is completely useless, that’s why I decided to cut last night. I don’t believe her at all, I’m not saying she cheated on me, but I don’t trust her. Through the first lie, I reached the second, then the third and fourth, I can see that it continues and there seems to be no end – Miljkovic said.

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PSYCHIATRIC CRYSTAL ANALYSIS: Anabel’s Behavior, Creepy Effects on the Moon! And astrologers’ predictions are DARK

PSYCHIATRIC CRYSTAL ANALYSIS: Anabel’s Behavior, Creepy Effects on the Moon! And astrologers’ predictions are DARK

– I had a conversation with Gagi today about Luna, she said that she was against that connection, that she would take Luna under her own power, I’m happy about that. Whatever he thought about that relationship turned out to be bad. Nice gaga influence, she trusts him, every time you break up with your boyfriend you look for a masculine opinion. I am happy that now I take care of Luna. Obviously I was not successful and I was not a role model for her because she was also quite bad as a woman, she was not an example for my children. The only thing that bothers me is that he didn’t care when she lied about being a drug addict and was upset about something she did offline – Anabella pointed out.

– I said on the subject that a lawsuit was started. I saw that she was lying about some banal things, and now I caught her for the first time in a lie. We sit down to talk when we get out of here. I’m not going to mention this here, it ends up in court. I see Luna lying to other people, but I shouldn’t be lying to her. I caught her lying down at work and that was the result – Marko said.

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– I admit that my son is not well, it is silly to repeat. It is not right, should you see it in the black chronicle to show that it is not good? I came in here when I saw that he really didn’t care about the virus he was carrying. Last night, that look of hers … Gagi agreed when he saw her eyes that it was not this person. When someone is murdered, murdered, we go to the cemetery, we regret that no one has noticed, we need to be closer to recognize when someone is not well and help. I won’t allow it, even if I was the worst evil witch. I won’t let anything happen to her. I’ll do my best. Is that happy girl with an attitude that you do not care if you love me … I tell her that her sisters look at her, Gagi says the same thing to her, she says that she does not care that she wants him alone. It’s a crazy sight, I can’t explain how difficult it is for me, “said Atias.

“I know Luna, I didn’t say I was sick, but to look like that,” Gagi started.

– Annabella said that while she was having a nervous breakdown, he was still shooting her in that state. It is a sick approach. You know better how to treat yourself. Why didn’t you say you were sick? Come to help me. I will move away from this subject slowly – said Marko.

Which of Luna’s boys do you like the most and who do you think is best for Djogani’s?

“Luna Djogani’s sacrifice, God willing to buy seven apartments,” said Anabela.

– I was hoping Marko was there. That break at the black table shouldn’t have happened that way. You should have hugged her regardless of anything, I think your first one would calm her more than Anabel and me. You shouldn’t have told him she was a bitch, “said Gagi.

– So you think we want to reconcile. I want to calm her down with both parents – said Miljkovic.

“The lean bovine drug addict,” said Anabelle.

If you want to know the latest news about the participants of the “Cooperative”, you can find them at this link.

