From 900 to 1,200 euros! This is what happened


SHOCK-JUMP!  EXPLOSION OF THE PRICE OF THE PLACES IN PANČEVO: From 900 to 1,200 euros!  This is what happened

Photo: Instant view of Google Street

PANČEVO – According to data from the Republic Statistics Office, not a single apartment was sold in 20 cities and municipalities in Serbia in the first six months. Pancevo is not among them, on the contrary: more and more are being built, demand has increased, and the prices of newly built apartments have increased by 50 percent.

Thanks to new investments in the Northern Industrial Zone and the arrival of large foreign companies in Pancevo, the construction of apartments has increased. All are sold very quickly, although the average price is around 1,200 euros per square meter, in the city center, and 1,500 euros, RTS reported.

“In one year, the price of new construction has increased by 400 euros per square meter. It does not matter if it is in the initial phase of construction or it is a turnkey issue, because all the apartments are sold at the end of the building ”, says the owner of real estate agencies in Pancevo Dragan Nokic.

In addition to the Belgraders, who are the most numerous, because they can buy two new ones in Pancevo with the sale of an apartment in the capital, there are also people from other places, of different professions, who want to move to the city of the Thames.

“The interest is diverse, people come from the interior, from the Republika Srpska, who are educating children in Belgrade, and are looking for apartments in Pancevo due to the proximity of Belgrade,” explains DOO Kutko’s Nebojsa Kutanjac.

Clinician in surgery Marko Ivanović says he got the job and specialization he wanted with relative ease.

“I like Pancevo more because it is a quiet and simple city to live in, and here I got married and started a family,” says Ivanović.

Pancevo has become a large construction site, but care must be taken not to disturb the general urban plans. New schools and kindergartens will be needed soon, because it is estimated that by the next census, Pancevo will be richer by about 3,000 inhabitants.

“We witness that Pancevo is a city of cranes and a city of construction sites. We have many active construction sites and building permits issued for future construction sites. We have the ability to accept all new residents. We monitor what it’s happening in the city in terms of construction. Doing the infrastructure renovation in our city, “says the mayor of Pancevo, Aleksandar Stevanović.

Currently, the biggest problem is the lack of skilled construction workers and craftsmen, which we have started to import, there are even some from Turkey, which further increases the price of the apartments.


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Author: delivery courier
