Fraxiparin shortage in pharmacies, is there a suitable substitute?


The H1 viewer, in the fifth month of her pregnancy, returned to our rebellious television because she cannot receive the prescribed therapy with Fraxiparin, because there is no such drug. Pharmacies claim that the shortage was caused by the use of the drug in the treatment of covid patients, doctors suggest that it is possible to find a replacement and properly correct the therapy, and activists warn that the covid crisis especially affects pregnant women and mothers.

Due to placental thrombosis in the previous pregnancy, when she lost the baby in the ninth month, to the N1 viewer, in the new pregnancy, Fraxiparin therapy was prescribed. He has to receive therapy and there is no cure. How: at the Health Center, he did not receive an explanation.

“The explanation is that they also don’t know why, they have simply withdrawn all the doses. They are all really great and desperate people, so I did not receive therapy that day, and then with the help of a stick and a rope we managed, nor It’s even in. I managed to get myself two boxes, according to various reports, but I don’t know what will happen next, I have to take this medicine until the end of my pregnancy, ”says Jovana Jovanović.

H1 made sure there were no drugs on the pharmacy shelves either. In one of them, we ask: why?

“The consumption of these low molecular weight heparins has increased a lot, not only in our country, but around the world, because now they are used for the complications of covid infection”, says Nada Ivancic of the Association of Private Pharmacists of Serbia – SPAS.

Following information that this drug is used in the treatment of covid patients, we asked at the crisis staff conference – is that the reason for its shortage. We did not receive a concrete response.

“At KBC Bežanijska kosa we have three types of low molecular weight heparins and I believe that in all pharmacies there is, as far as I know, at least one type of this drug, so it is not the only drug that can be administered. patients receiving Fraxiparin, if they cannot find that preparation, they can consult with their doctor or pharmacist in terms of giving a parallel or similar drug because the active principle of action of the drug is the same, but not the same dose ”, says the director by KBC Bežanijska kosa Marija Zdravković.

The doctor also recommended the replacement of Fraxiparin, the H1 visor, but there is no replacement in the dose prescribed for her.

“So that dose was determined for me probably based on my build, weight, and my overall results. So if I take a higher dose, I’ll probably thin my blood too much. I can’t, so they told me I can take a replacement, but in the same way dosage, “says Jovanovic.

Doctors, however, say that the correction of the therapy is possible and suggest a solution with a prior consultation with a doctor.

“In prophylaxis, it is also possible to use it, twice a day, in slightly lower doses, because the activity of low-molecular-weight heparins is exactly four hours after the applied dose”, says Prim. Dr. Ivana Pešić Stevanović , transfusiology specialist, hematology subspecialist.

The pandemic crisis is affecting both pregnant women and mothers. In addition to the risk of infection, a special challenge for them is proper medical care, activists say.

“What I can say, based on the experience of the women who contacted us, is that the provision of health services in state practice has deteriorated and that, in fact, women are now more focused on private practice to do what they can in state practice, that there is a regular situation ”, says Tatjana Macura of the association“ Moms are the law ”.

The activists add that the biggest challenge for pregnant women is primarily to protect themselves from infection and, in case of infection, to approach therapy in the right way and thus protect themselves and the child.
