For breakfast, BREAD and EGGS, lunch is skipped, and this is what dinner is for.


Singer Jennifer Lopez is considered one of the best, and now she’s finally revealed what her meals are like and what she strictly adheres to.

Former chef chef Kelvin Fernández has worked for them for two years and told foreign media what the singer and her fiancé Alex Rodríguez eat and what they always have in their kitchen.

– In the kitchen you will always find mineral water, many vegetables and fruits, especially strawberries. Although, Jennifer is not exactly a fan of fruit, children adore her. Alex loves to start the day with a fresh green drink made from lots of vegetables, says Kelvin.

When it comes to breakfast, he is a bypass in his family.

– Eggs are eaten more frequently for breakfast, and bacon is an indispensable part of that meal. Sometimes they opt for chicken or sausages, but the eggs are always there and this is especially important for egg whites. They are a team that knows very well what to eat when they eat, and that is why the supplies are rich. They always have lots of eggs, healthy snacks and unhealthy kids, ”said the chef.

Lunch at home is sometimes skipped, it all depends on your obligations that day, and the whole family dines together.

– They are great admirers of Mexican food. One day a week is always a so-called taco day, says Fernández. Sometimes they stick to a strict diet.

photo: Profimedia

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Author: Delivery courier
