Except for two ministers, no one from the Government condemned the insult to the journalist H1


After the folk singer Aleksandar Vuksanović – Aca Lukas, a guest on TV Pink, insulted the N1 journalist Zaklina Tatalović, a protest press conference was held in front of that television building. SAA vice president, Marinika Tepic, says: “what Aleksandar Vucic thinks, what Aca Lukas says” and asks REM to sanction TV Pink and take away its national frequency. Apart from the two ministers, no one else in the government has so far condemned the insult to the journalist.

As soon as the protest rally in front of the TV Pink building dispersed, the one that occurred because the protest took place appeared: Aleksandar Vuksanović showed what he thought about insulting the journalist today: he waved his hand and sent kisses to the H1 lens with a mocking smile, as he drove.

What our people say: what a sober person thinks, a drunk person says – with those words, opposition politician and former journalist Marinika Tepić started the press conference.

“In fact, Aleksandar Vučić is the real editor of TV Pink, nobody stays long, and that is why Aca Lukas was brought in to speak what Vučić thinks and this is not the first time. Therefore REM must react urgently , not only sanction Pink, we believe that TV El rosa should be without national frequency, “said Marinika Tepic.

Tepic also says that the TV Pink host should have stopped the show or removed folk singer Acu Lukas from the studio and then apologized to the offended colleague, and that she was especially surprised that the other two guests, men, one of whom is in public office, they did not react at any time.

Journalist Gordana Susa agrees with her conclusion that such “humiliations” and “provocations” will not stop.

“It is already a common way installed by the most responsible man in this government, the president of the state, who draws H1 goals every day, the list of” Danas “, the remaining weekly magazines and directly the journalists”, Susa believes.

The highest state officials have been silent for two days. So far, only two ministers have condemned the dictionary of insults on the national frequency: Zorana Mihajlović and Tatjana Matić. Did the new “women’s” government fail the first test of gender equality and greater respect for women?

“I will never understand the urge to insult women and I believe that no normal person can bear that. Although sometimes I think it is better to ignore the primitives, it is also important to tell them from time to time, enough is enough.” said Minister Zorana Mihajović.

Incidentally, the protest press conference was also marked by a minor verbal conflict between TV Pink journalists and Marinika Tepić.

Pink TV: What is the special reason for coming here given Pink’s announcement?

Carpet: There is no particular reason as to what you want me to answer you. This is an extraordinary reason why you, as a woman and a journalist, must defend your colleague Tatalović, especially because here, in front of your colleagues, you remember that she was physically assaulted and I condemned that attack. I am sorry that you did not follow that, because women are not allowed to divide ourselves into first and second order women and I brought you the journalists code and there is the information law, you will surely find the answer to the question why am I here? today. It’s better that all the women from TV Pink, led by Verica Bradić, came here today.

Hostess Verica Bradić acted very professionally in protecting journalist Tatalović, concluded TV Pink owner Zeljko Mitrovic. It also says that television is under no obligation to explain whether or not it shares the views of guests on shows, and that insults on live shows cannot be avoided.
