Freelancers working for employers abroad have begun receiving solutions for unpaid taxes and salary contributions in recent years, and a similar fate awaits many other YouTubers and influencers whose payments come from abroad.
According to the estimates of the Center for Public Policy Research, there are around 100,000 self-employed workers in Serbia and their average income is around 80,000 gross dinars per month for men and 60,000 dinars for women.
– Even if it is the smallest tax debt in question, based on the most favorable non-taxable base of 50 percent, our self-employed owes a significant amount. If, for example, they earn an average of 80,000 dinars gross per month in a year, they would be obliged to pay taxes and contributions in the best of cases, about 270,000 dinars a year, or about 2,300 euros – points out the research of this center.

Taking into account that the Tax Administration (TA) has the legal possibility of collecting taxes during the last five years, that means that all self-employed who did not pay taxes owe the state 11,500 euros, without the corresponding interest. Together, they owe about 1.15 billion euros in taxes. After the recent call by the tax authorities to the self-employed to submit tax returns on their own initiative in order to avoid misconduct, a few days ago solutions began to arrive at the homes of the self-employed.
Portal Startit published one such solution that came to a freelancer who deals with creating mobile games. According to the decision, you are obliged to pay 20 percent of taxes, 25.5 percent of PIO and 10.3 percent of health, which, according to the Startit portal, are prescribed rights for payments from abroad, which are calculated as income for the previous four years.
– There are abnormal interest rates in all this. In my case, for 2017, they add up to almost 40 percent interest – said this freelancer.
Milan Trbojevic, a cyber accountant and tax advisor, told Kurir that according to some data, only 0.34 freelancers pay taxes.
– The Tax Administration cannot process all cases, much less collect, but, on the other hand, it is unrealistic that some citizens pay taxes regularly and others pay nothing – says Trbojevic, who refers to legal deductions for debtors tributaries.
– There is the option for individuals to pay up to 200,000 dinars in installments, then the maximum term is up to 60 months, and when rescheduling is obtained there is also the possibility of canceling up to 50 percent of the interest.
Fines of up to 150,000 dinars
According to the Tax Procedure and Tax Administration Law, a natural person who obtains income from abroad, but does not file a tax return for them, will be fined from 5,000 to 150,000 dinars. If you do not pay the tax determined in the return or by decision of the Tax Administration, you will be fined in the amount of 50 percent of the tax determined, and not less than 5,000 dinars.
For the unemployed
- If the rent was 500 euros, the base reduced by 20 percent is 400 euros
- On those 400 euros the tax of 20 percent is calculated (80 euros)
- That 400 euros represent 25.5 percent of PIO contributions (102 euros)
- Those 400 euros also include 10.3 percent of health insurance contributions (41.2 euros)
- The state receives 223.2 euros and the individual keeps 276.8 euros, or 55.36 percent
Kurir.rs/ Ružica Kantar Photo: Shutterstock

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