Everyone is familiar, only Croatia has expressed great understanding for Kosovo


Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić says the European Union representative in Pristina briefed EU member states on the problems facing the Special Tribunal for KLA Crimes in Kosovo and Metohija.

– We received information that the EU representative for Pristina, Natalija Apostolova, held a briefing for the EU member states a few days ago and informed them about the great resistance and the problems facing the court in Kosovo – she told TV Pink.

Dacic stated that the EU representative asked for the support of member states to pressure Kosovo not to try to obstruct the work of the court or make a decision on its abolition.

– They even thought of the Kosovo Assembly taking the decision to abolish that court, since it is formally their court. Now everyone is familiar with what is being done in Kosovo. Only Croatia has expressed its great understanding for Kosovo. How can only Croatia express understanding and sympathy for this position of Pristina? I ask.

It notes that Pristina requested that one of the points of the Washington agreement be the abolition of the Special Tribunal for the crimes of the former KLA in Kosovo and Metohija.

He adds that the sequence of events is that the next step will be for Hashim Thaci to be arrested.

– Another question is whether he will be sentenced, but the sequence of events is that he will be arrested – said the head of Serbian diplomacy, adding that the disclosure of the accusation before it took effect indicates this.

Dacic also says that he is certain that the accusation was not published by the Europeans, which happened a few days before the meeting in Washington.

– The head of that court is an American. The US administration could not allow someone to sign the agreement and be arrested as a war criminal for a few days, he said.

Dacic recalled that Pristina sent a letter to the United States Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, on November 1 last year, in which, he says, he requested the abolition of the Special Court in The Hague and that it be seated in Kosovo and Metohija.

– Now they have given constitutional amendments to put that court outside the constitution and the law, that is, to abolish that court – Dačić concluded.

VIDEO: Dacic: Cross roads do not contribute to our good relationships
