EVERYONE IN THE REGION SHOULD SUPPORT THE DIALOGUE: Borelj on Dodik’s statement on the status of Kosovo and RS


In a written response to a parliamentary question on the statements of the member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik, who defends the thesis that “any normalization of relations that includes greater recognition of Kosovo should lead to similar discussions on the status of the Republika Srpska “, Borelj said that the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina supports the EU, aims for the parties to reach a comprehensive and legally binding agreement on the normalization of their relations, which addresses all outstanding issues.

– This will contribute to stability in the Western Balkan region as a whole. The EU hopes that all political leaders in the Western Balkans will actively support the process, including refraining from making statements that may contribute to political divisions and negatively affect good neighborly relations. Regional cooperation and good neighborly relations are an essential part of every candidate country and a potential candidate’s progress on the path to EU integration, Borelj said.

He concluded his reply with the message that the EU position towards Bosnia and Herzegovina has always been clear:

– The EU supports the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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