EQUAL EARTH VACCINATION What are we talking about when we have people who believe that the EARTH is a FLAT PLATE?


How are we going to flatten the curve when there are still people leveling the country? Black humor could describe all the torment of the profession and science in Serbia, which, along with the fight against kovid 19, is fighting a battle with anti-vivid and anti-vaccines, and with the knowledge that at 21. century we also have people who believe that planet Earth is a flat plate !?

As one question gives birth to another, we could imagine after all: how did we get to computers, the Internet, social networks when there are still people who wanted to take us back, precisely through these new technologies, 23 centuries?

Or two, three centuries before the new era, when the Greek mathematician Eratosthenes of Cyrene (current Libya) discovered that the Round Earth seemed to be the crown of antiquities today, impossible!

With a simple movement of the mouse and keyboard, they would like to compare all scientific achievements with the earth.

It will probably not be the same for some anti-vaccines or anti-vaccines that we put them in the same basket with other earthlings, but, realistically, let’s ask ourselves: how are we going to convince some people that the vaccine is an achievement of civilization and the only thing that can save us? now? the corona of the virus when in the 21st century we have people who believe that the Earth is not round, but that it is a flat plate ?!

Both the second and third in their “spheres” deny the highest scientific achievements.

After all, there is hope that, by some miracle, anti-vaccine, anti-vaccine theorists and all other conspiracy theorists will continue to embrace the scientific opinion of the world’s relevant health institutions as easily as the Facebook group “Ravna Zemlja” he received and even named the friendly “troll” Mustafa Sejdinović.

Let us remind you that something incredible happened to Earthlings two days ago. Namely, Mustafa joined the Ravna zemlja group, secretly observed them for months, and then accepted the invitation to be nothing less than a manager.

And the fact that he was chosen for that “role” largely explains how these conspiracy theories, as well as all other conspiracy theories, survive so well.

As Mustafa himself told us, absolutely no one “verified” him, clicked on his profile and “verified” what he wrote and how he reasoned, before he was accepted as the administrator of the Facebook group “Ravna Zemlja”. Because if they did, they would see that Mustafa has exactly the opposite views of what they spread and represent.

This is as regards how people subjected to such manipulations verify the sources on the basis of which they form their views.

And the first change Mustafa made was changing the group’s name to, watch out for the shock – “Round Earth Balkan”!?! The other inhabitants of the plains were followed! Even when they found out that for the next 28 days they MUST be called that, because Facebook doesn’t allow a change again sooner …

Anyone who is in their right mind to read that there are people with such attitudes is followed and surprised.
