Edi Rama ruined the process of recognition of the so-called Kosovo!



09.10.2020. 11:30

The Albanian president says that Rama, when he sued Haradinaj, did so to defactor Kosovo in negotiations.

Edi Rama

Edi Rama, Photo: Illustration

Albania’s President Ilir Meta harshly criticized Prime Minister Edi Rama, stating that the Albanian Prime Minister’s statements impaired the process of recognition of the so-called Kosovo as an independent state, Reporters reports.

Should Serbia recognize Kosovo?

How can the so-called Kosovo Albanian Prime Minister on the call tell the Kosovo parliament that we will have a deputy president in a few years. Serbia reacted quickly. This is no accident. This means that the so-called. Kosovo should not be a state, it should not be recognized because one day it will be annexed to Albania – Meta said.

The Albanian president says that Rama, when he sued Haradinaj, did so to defactor the negotiations Kosovo.

– Which means that the Prime Minister of Albania is suing the so-called Prime Minister of Kosovo. Why are you doing that? He is suing because he received defactoring orders from the so-called Kosovo in the negotiation process. Why did you withdraw from the trial after a few months? Because it would be proven that Rama proposed the division of the so-called Kosovo. I’m 1,000 percent sure of that, “said Meta.
