Each “Srbijagas” employee has 100,000 and citizens pay their debts


BAJATOVIĆ SHARE BONUS: 100,000 to each employee of

Photo: Beta / Dragan Gojić / Zoran Petrović

All the employees of the public company “Srbijagas” headed by SPS official Dusan Bajatovic, about 1,100 of them, will receive bonuses of 100,000 dinars in a few days!

This is the payment of the thirteenth salary, the amount of which amounts to a net salary and a half, that is, about 100,000 dinars, and this right will be made with the profit of the aforementioned public company, which was about five billion dinars at the close of the last year. It would not be so strange that last year the Serbian Government did not cancel the debt with “Srbijagas” of up to 1.2 billion euros.

And Dule rubs his hands

“Srbijagas” shares these bonuses on behalf of a collective agreement, which was signed several years ago, and according to which employees are entitled to a bonus, the 13th salary, at the end of each business year if the company has made a profit, the 10 percent of that result. Since the profit was five billion, it turns out that about 500 million dinars should be set aside for bonuses for employees, but that idea was abandoned. According to the media, the unions agreed to allocate “only” 168 million dinars for the needs of distributing the 13th salary. The unions and the management of this public company agreed, that is, to set aside three billion dinars of the profits to cover the previous losses of this company.

While Dušan Bajatović ignores the invitations and messages with specific messages, Zorana Mihajlović, Minister of Mining and Energy, told Kurir that such decisions are wrong, especially considering that the bonus will go to the director himself, who already has millions. income.

– Probably, the director of “Srbijagas” decided to buy the support of the employees with a generous bonus so that the company continued to function as before, just as he had already bought the directors of affiliated companies with salaries and appearances of directors measured in thousands of euros. And to add to his current income of 2.4 million dinars a month the thirteenth salary in “Srbijagas” of 100,000 dinars, for which the miner in “Resavica” would have to work for two and a half years – says Mihajlović and adds:

-But no trick or attempt to buy support will help you, because the Government has adopted a reorganization plan and that plan is going to be put into practice, and those who oppose will be dismissed. Our goal is for “Srbijagas” to be one of the best companies in Serbia and the region, and not a company that everyone recognizes by its director, who acts as if it were his private company, so he shares bonuses when he thinks he needs support .


According to economist Milan Kovacevic, “Srbijagas” cannot be seen as a separate entity, you have to look at all those companies in which this public company has the largest individual investment and which post losses. – For example, if “Petrohemija” has losses, then he, as the largest co-owner, should consider whether to save it or distribute dividends. We have not had transparency in “Srbijagas” for a long time. You have to see how much their salaries are, if they had losses, and the Government should decide on the dividends as owner, and not on them – says Kovacevic.

Heart to break

They had to pay the bond back five years ago

Employees of “Srbijagas” will receive a bonus after nine years. The last time the bond was paid to them was for the 2011 business year, while 2015, which was paid, they finally had to return by order of the then government.

Katarina Blagović

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