
Photo: Zorana Jevtić, Beta
The decision of Ivan Krstić, a member of the Leskovac DS Main Board, to bring criminal charges against the head of the Democrats, Zoran Lutovac, and his deputy, Dragana Rakić, for spending money inappropriately, is supported by a large number of Democrats.
As announced on Twitter, Krstic will file a criminal complaint against Lutovac, Rakic and the director of the “Ljuba Davidovic” Foundation on Monday for misappropriation of 240,000 euros.
No report
This is the money that the SAA leader, Dragan Djilas, according to his own confession, paid to the DS through the Foundation for the Promotion of Democracy “Ljuba Davidovic”, and Kurir was the first to write about this matter. The report on the expenditure of this money, as well as other income of the DS, which, according to the media, amounts to another 60,000 euros, was never presented. DS Slobodan Milosavljevic says he supports Krstic in his plan and that they have the right to seek answers after all.
– Although he was obligated, Lutovac never submitted a financial report on how those funds were spent. Ivan is a member of GO and has the right to ask for answers. This is a necessary and forced decision and I support the filing of a criminal complaint. Everything must be done with transparency, and Lutovac and Dragana Rakić, who is also the Chairman of the Board of the Foundation, are constantly silent. Democrats have been waiting for that report to come out since late 2019, says Milosavljević.

Balsa Bozovic, a former DS deputy, recalls that all those who dared to ask where the money that Djilas paid DS went was expelled from the party.
Lutovac is silent
– Lutovac expelled from the party anyone who dared to ask where and how the money disappeared from the account of the Democratic Party Foundation “Ljuba Davidović” – declared Božović.
The current, which is not satisfied with the way of leading the DS of Lutovac, has scheduled elections for the party leadership for September 26, and many issues are expected to be on the table then, including the spending of party money in the last two and a half years.
Zoran Lutovac did not respond to Kurir’s calls.
Kurir.rs, K. Blagović / Photo: Zorana Jevtić, Beta

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