DS got new leadership, members said theirs


Branislav Lecic, the winner of the elections in the Democratic Party (DS), which the party leadership does not recognize, said that a new leadership of that party was elected.

He said that party members had declared what kind of policy they wanted to pursue and who would represent them in the future.

– The only former president here is Lutovac, there is no part of the party, the DS is made up of all those who paid for membership, that is 4,500 people, of which more than 72 percent voted and a new leadership was elected, representing the policy I presented “points for Serbia” – said Lecic for H1.

He denied that the party he leads is cooperating with the ruling SNS.

– It often occurred to me and it’s funny when someone, when attacking another, describes himself. We do not have any cooperation with other parties, this is the DS, it is part of the procedure and respects its Statute. It is clearly mentioned that after the parliamentary elections, the elections are organized abroad. They are organized to avoid divisions and antagonisms that accompany the party. DS members have determined who wants to represent them and what policy to follow.

DSPhoto: RAS Serbia


According to him, there are no more divisions in the DS.

– This process is over, there are no more divisions in the party, the party said what it has. This is the DS, I would like the voters to always decide and that it was the same in Serbia. It is not about Lutovac and Lecic, but about whether we respect democracy. The DS is a party that is an institution of this state. It is well known that the votes of the members decide – explained Lecic.

Earlier today, the board with the Democratic Party name was removed in front of the party headquarters on Nušićeva Street, and the lock on the door of the party premises was changed.

Former DS MP Balša Božović posted a video on Twitter showing an unknown person removing the board.

He wrote that “Zoran Lutovac and Dragana Rakić are removing the last traces of the DS headquarters” and asked “on whose behalf they are doing this and on whose behalf.”

Bozovic previously announced that there was an intrusion into the DS headquarters on Nusiceva Street, that the ballot boxes were smashed and the ballots smashed, as well as that members of the Electoral Commission in the Old Town were physically attacked.
