Draža Mihailović has a street in a village near Kragujevac – Kragujevac – Društvo


A sign with the name of the Commander of the Yugoslav Army in the Homeland (JVO), General Dragoljub Draža Mihailović, who was sentenced to death and executed after the Second World War, and in 2015 by decision of the High Court of Belgrade, was placed today in Desimirovac, on a street near the center of town. rehabilitated.

Source: Glas Šumadije

The Kragujevac City Assembly previously made a decision on the name of that street at the initiative of the Local Community Citizens Council. The sign with the inscription General Draže Mihailović Street was placed on the power pole in a street about a thousand meters long, which has about thirty houses with about one hundred inhabitants, reports Glas Šumadije.

In the last local elections, the councilor of Desimirovac, Aleksandar Radenković, convincingly defeated the other candidates. Radenkovic is the head of the committee group of the Movement for the Reconstruction of the Kingdom of Serbia (POKS). POKS Vice President Mirko Chikiriz told reporters after the creation of the board that Mihailovic was “a great martyr, a great righteous man.”

He was also a great strategist who fought against dozens of military formations in Serbia. Everything he did, he did for Serbia. Serbia owed him only partially, Chikiriz said, adding that POKS will not stop on this street. “We want every city in Serbia to have a square with the name and monument of General Draža Mihailović.”

About a hundred residents of Desimirovac attended the installation of the sign with the name of the street.
