Draskovic is incredibly licking Milo! Gave an interview for Montenegrin TV, an unprecedented spit on the Serbs



14.10.2020. 09:27

Draskovic says that suddenly some forces appear, some people, who want to return Montenegro to the 90s, to annul the referendum.

Vuk Draskovic

Vuk Draskovic, Photo: Hello! / Dejan Briza

The president of the Serbian Renewal Movement, Vuk Drašković, was invited to the Telescopy program on Montenegrin television., and his “spit” on the Serbs, the Church and the hymns to the defeated dictator Milu Đukanović They only raise one question: whether Draskovic continues to pay Djukanovic in such a tragicomic way for his summer vacation at Milocer, which has been funded by controversial Milo businessmen for years.

That is to say, Draskovic points out that the idea of ​​the “Serbian world”, which is now appearing, is a fake, in fact the idea of ​​Russia. He is convinced that this idea cannot come to life, and that only “some madman” can try to realize it, because there would be a new bloodshed.

Draskovic says that suddenly some forces appear, some people, who want to return Montenegro to the 90s, to annul the referendum.

The main media outlets are the anti-regime TV channels, mostly Serbs, not to mention more, and then there is talk of a kind of dictatorship of a man whose party has never ruled alone but in coalition. I also don’t understand Djukanovic when he says that the DPS lost. Not true, by all Western standards, the DPS is the winner. The other thing is that it cannot form a government. On the other hand, we have 16 parties and the Serbian Orthodox Church, which all together, with unprecedented propaganda and the support of the Serbian media, managed to win just one more term and are now declaring some kind of victory.“says Draskovic.

Milo Đukanović

Milo Djukanovic, Photo: EPA

He says he does not know whether parts of the Serbian service or the Russian service GRU interfered in the elections in Montenegro. He adds that the safety of both him and Djukanovic was in danger on the 99th.

I have to get Montenegro out of the jaws of this monster, that’s what Djukanovic told me, when I took off with him from Dubrovnik airport, because the 7th Battalion was targeting him and they wanted to shoot him. It was CG 99. If we had taken off from Podgorica, we would probably have both been killed by a rocket, ”he says.
