DRAGAN AND EDISA COMBINE ONLY ONE! There is nothing outside of them! A friend called and LEFT THE LANGUAGE: IT IS RETURNING TO THE WOMAN!


When the information spread through the real estate in Šimanovci that Edis Fetić’s wife, Zilha, took him to the “Cooperative” White House, his relationship with his lover Dragana Mitar was again the main subject of all the talks. Even before entering the Imaginarium, the couple lived together, despite everything that was said later, and this time, a friend of the famous Novi Pazar Cake spoke, emphasizing that “there is nothing outside” of him and Mitrova.

According to him, all that unites the two of them is confinement, and when he leaves the state of reality in Šimanovci, Edis will probably return to his wife, according to his friend Ed.

photo: print screen

“To be honest, I have been in Belgrade for the past few days, so I have not heard from their people, but my opinion is that Edis and Dragan are connected only by that closeness and mutual condemnation, and that this ‘connection’ will be broken outside”. Edo said and revealed his opinion on whether Fetic would try to reconcile with his wife Zilha, with whom he has three children:

“Honestly, I would like that to happen, but I think it takes them a while to have normal communication. I think he is aware of what he has done and if he could turn back time, he would not come in.” But there was a living man who fell under her persuasion (Dragana Mitar) to ‘support’ her, “Edis’s friend concluded.

photo: print screen

Kurir.rs, MG / Rosa / Photo: Print screen

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Author: Delivery courier
