Dr. Ristic advises only POZES that require no effort


DANGEROUS!  SEX AFTER THE CROWN SHOULD NOT LAST MORE THAN 10 MINUTES: Dr. Ristic advises only POSITIONS that do not require effort.

Photo: Pink Printscreen TV

Also, the relationship itself should not be fierce and should not last more than ten minutes, because otherwise it can greatly worsen the existing condition and lead to serious heart disease and even death.

For all this, experts advise using less strenuous poses. Cardiac surgeon prof. Dr. Miljko Ristic explains that kovid-19, depending on the severity of the clinical picture, leaves several consequences on the body, and one of the most threatened groups are heart patients and people with high blood pressure, so the Premature activity and arousal, as well as other physical exertions, could only worsen the patient’s condition.


* Exercise only poses that do not require much effort * Four weeks after infection, avoid making love * The relationship should not last more than 10 minutes * Consult a doctor before having sex * Get an ultrasound exam before the sexual relationship

– Regardless of the degree of heart damage and the severity of the clinical picture of the crown, the patient should not have sexual intercourse for at least four weeks after infection. The relationship itself should not be intense and should not last more than 10 minutes. Over time, as recovery progresses, a return to sexual activity can also improve the patient’s health, but you must be patient. So first recover, then make love, says Ristic.

He adds that after the virus has survived, recovery remains under the supervision of a doctor, and its duration depends on the basic diagnosis and the potential damage caused by COVID-19.

– The coronavirus destroys to a greater or lesser extent the cells of the heart, that is, the heart muscle, which causes its weakening, and all this causes fatigue, lack of physical shape, poor mobility. For a person to fully recover, it should take a few weeks to a few months.

Thus, the return to normal life, including lovemaking, depends on the general clinical picture and is measured in weeks – explains Ristic, adding that the return to normal life must be under the supervision of a doctor. Based on an ultrasound examination showing the strength of the heart muscle, the doctor can assess how the patient should behave and what to deprive for the good of his health.


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