All physical effort is a provocation, we are a glass of alcohol, but it MUST NOT BE TAKEN FROM THE TAVERN!


After vaccinationsis against the crown must lead a completely normal life, only a few days should avoid strenuous physical exertion, such as going to the gym, but it does not necessarily mean abstaining from sexual activities, a story for prof. Kurir epidemiologist. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, member of the crisis staff.

– Those who exercise, have constant stronger physical activities, such as going to the gym every day, should not go there for at least five or six days. And just because in a few days after vaccination, post-vaccine reactions such as mild fever, pain in the hand, maybe a little weakness, loss of appetite are possible. And that absolutely applies to all three vaccines, and to the American-German company “Pfizer-Bayontek”, and Russian “Sputnik V” and Chinese “Sinofarm”. The three vaccines differ only in production technology, explains Kurir prof. Tiodorović.

He adds that this is simply to preserve the body so that it can react positively to the vaccine and produce antibodies.

– All physical effort is a provocation for the body, with the fact that it will be much softer in young people, and it can be stronger in people over 65 and chronic patients. And that is why you should avoid the gym. But she also leads a normal life, which includes sexual activities. The diet should be normal, without supplements. While it is a pandemic, we definitely use zinc and vitamin D to boost immunity. It is not forbidden to have a glass or two of alcohol, but not to take yourself home drunk. Smoking has nothing to do with vaccines and the production of antibodies, but with the fact that it is certainly harmful to health – says prof. Tiodorović.

crown doctor
photo: Shutterstock

When asked whether members of some professions, which involve hard physical labor, such as miners, should take a few days off after vaccination, Tiodorović said:

– Most of them are people who are in full force, ready for physical effort. But it would also mean for them, at least on the first day or two after vaccination, to be safe. It is pure prevention, although I know they will not skimp.

Prof. Tiodorović also points out that a normal life involves measurements: a mask and a distance.

– Even when we receive the two doses of the vaccine, we have to wear a mask, because some people will not be vaccinated due to contraindications and we still do not have herd immunity. In addition, the measures are still in force and must remain that way, especially due to the appearance of the British strain also in our country.

vaccine, Pfizer, corona, coronavirus

Tips for future moms

Get vaccinated three months before pregnancy

The three vaccines should not be administered to pregnant women, as indicated in their documents, but prof. Tiodorović notes that women who are planning a pregnancy should do so three months after vaccination. – Three months is best: to create antibodies and complete the immunity building process. So far no one has determined that the vaccine has consequences on the fetus, nor has they had time to point it out, but it is not yet administered to pregnant women preventively and is administered three months before conception. There will probably be tests on that later this year, says Tiodorović, adding that, for example, pregnant women can get the flu shot.

Aleksandar Vučić Another 10,000 vaccines arrived

Aleksandar vucic
photo: EPA / Andrej Cukić

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced that another 10,000 vaccines arrived in Serbia yesterday. In a video message to citizens posted on Buducnost Srbije’s Instagram profile, he stated that the fight for every vaccine, for all citizens of Serbia, has been going on since dawn, that many difficult conversations and many meetings have been held. . – Today’s world is like the “Titanic”, because the rich and the great tried to provide lifeboats just for themselves, and leave everyone else with nothing, to sink along with the “Titanic”. We are tough people. We will fight for our survival, for the life of Serbia and we will succeed – said Vučić.

Behavior recommendations after stoning

5-6 days should not have a great physical effort

preferably professions that involve hard physical work to slow down a bit

eat normally

take zinc and vitamin D3, as before, for immunity

avoiding large amounts of alcohol

for “Sputnik V”, Russian experts advise not to drink alcohol for 42 days, starting two weeks before receiving the first dose

for “Sputnik V”, Russian experts stated that you should not smoke before and after vaccination, because tobacco smoke irritates the lungs and reduces the immune response

Wear a mask

Keep your distance

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Messenger / Jelena S. Spasić

Photo: Shutterstock

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