09/05/2020 20:02 – 09.05.2020 20:07
The fact that the state of emergency has ended and the most restrictive measures have been completed does not mean that the epidemic has ended.

Srđa Janković, Photo: Silkscreen / Rosa
– The vast majority of citizens are on guard, it is unrealistic to expect everyone to understand the importance of the recommendations. But the higher the ratio, the more likely we are to end the epidemic. The fact that the state of emergency has ended and the most restrictive measures have been completed does not mean that the epidemic has ended. We are still in a state of epidemic of special health and national importance, several measures are still applied, although some of them are now in the form of recommendations. – Said by “Pink” the immunologist Dr. Srdja Jankovic, member of the crisis staff for the fight against the coronavirus.
The ban on gathering more than 20 people remains in force, recalled Dr. Janković. Now, the prevention of close contacts is key and that should be integrated into the “new normal”.
– We gradually return to what we call a normal life, but with the respect that the danger still exists and that we must take preventive measures. So let’s get far enough, but when we have to get in touch with someone, we should wear masks and protective gloves, he said.
He emphasizes that avoiding crowds on public transportation and wearing masks and gloves regularly, but also sitting in marked places, as well as washing your hands regularly, are the top recommendations for using public transportation, the immunologist emphasized.
– Today, as well as the data of the last days, show that the favorable trend of the epidemic continues. Unfortunately We are still losing human lives, so we cannot say that everything is fine. But the curve of the number of deaths is usually behind the curve of the number of patients, because the disease lasts a while. We are calm in the epidemics, whether it will continue like this will depend on whether we continue to take seriously these measures, which are now in force. We see the danger in the idea that everything is over. It is not the end When we run out of the virus, it does not mean that everything in the world is over, so we have to be on guard – noted Dr. Janković.
More and more patients have milder symptoms.
There are more and more patients with milder symptoms, which is expected at this stage of the virus epidemic.
– It is not so easy to conclude if the virus itself is biologically weak. We expect a prolonged evolution or coevolution of the virus and us as hosts to weaken the virus, but we can say with certainty that the epidemic is weak. So we have more lighter patients. However, the virus still has the potential to harm people, especially vulnerable groups. That is why the best prevention is not to get this corona virus.
Blood plasma treatment
He also referred to the treatment of patients with blood clots, emphasizing that it is a complementary therapy.

crown, Photo: EPA
– Therefore, to be a tab on the scales, to help and prevail a favorable result in patients who are at risk of a more serious clinical picture and who receive that plasma on time. We do not yet have a sufficient sample to be able to show statistically whether this was effective in our patients. We hope that this is the case and that it is already helping based on the experiences of others in the world and based on the experiences of others with other pandemics, he said and recalled that the use of antibodies by those who have suffered from the disease is the method oldest to treat infectious diseases. he won the first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1903.
The WHO is constantly publishing new data, he recalled, and experts are adjusting it to the situation in the country.
– The scientific side of this pandemic is, of course, very important and allows us to always be one step ahead in the next period. I hope we also have a vaccine as a means of eradicating the virus, but it will take a long time. – said Janković and added that he believes that he does not believe that the second wave is similar to the first, but that they will be “waves”.
On collective immunity
Dr. Janković recalled that epidemiological research on a representative sample is in progress and emphasized that everything will be much clearer after them.
– We will have a better idea of how far we are. Not if we do, because we do not have collective immunity in the sense that most people have overcome the disease and are now protected. It was not even our goal to have it, because if we were in a hurry to acquire collective immunity, the tax on human life would be terrible. If the virus stays with us any longer, at some point we can hope that collective immunity will still be created and that it may be a final stage. If the vaccine is done before that, then it can be a solution to get that collective immunity without the disease and the risk that goes with it, which is of course the best – Dr Janković concluded.