Dr. Danijela Gordić passed away as a result of the corona virus, I HAD STRENGTH AND PATIENCE FOR EVERYONE


Teacher – specialist in internal medicine and subspecialist in pulmonology Dr. Danijela Gordić, employed at the General Hospital “Studenica” in Kraljevo, passed away last night in Belgrade as a result of a coronavirus infection.

Dr. Gordić was born on February 4, 1973 in Skopje. He finished primary and secondary school in Kraljevo and the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade. Since 2000, he works at the Studenica Health Center.

During his working life, he constantly improved: he received his master’s degree in 2004, completed his internal medicine specialization in 2006, and his more limited specialization in pulmonology in 2017.

With a charmingly warm, almost childlike smile, he addressed each patient with special attention. In conversation she was kind, infinitely patient, meticulous at work, precise, responsible, devoted. He had time, strength and patience for everything. And then one night in December, quietly, when the angels leave, she left us forever. Today, the Celestial Hospital is much richer because it has an excellent doctor, mother, daughter, sister, wife in its rooms … We will keep the memory of our Nela, the doctor with the angelic figure and the magic smile, with great respect and pride.

Dr. Danijela Gordić was married, the mother of three children, it is noted in the news by which the public was informed about the death of Dr. Danijela Gordić from the General Hospital “Studenica”.

The place and time of the funeral of Dr. Danijela Gordić will be announced later.


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