DOCTOR BRANKA POPARA-TODOROVIĆ FAILS: the famous doctor lost the battle against the disease, her colleagues cry for her


Dr. Branka Popara-Todorović was born on October 3, 1956. in Sarajevo. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Sarajevo on March 26, 1982. year and acquired the professional title of doctor of medicine.

As a general practitioner, he worked from 1982 to 1988 at the Energoinvest Sarajevo Workers’ Health Protection Institute. Then, starting in 1988, Dr. Branka worked at the Tuberculosis Clinic-Kasindo.

At the beginning of the war in 1992, he continued his work at the Clinical Center of the Srpsko Sarajevo Medical School-Kasindo General Hospital.

He completed his specialization in internal medicine on April 3, 1997 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade.

He obtained his specialization in cardiology from Dr. Branko in 2002 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade. Dr. Branka Popara worked at East Sarajevo Hospital for more than 33 years. With her loyal and dedicated work, she saved a great number of lives, and in the labor force she is known as a great man and humanist.


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