Disease surrounds us, the most dangerous are healthy carriers


The head of the new covid hospital in Batajnica, Tatjana Adžić Vukičević, believes that the corona virus has mutated and estimates that, depending on the dynamics and severity of the clinical picture, this third wave is the most difficult, mainly due to the great transmission of the virus. virus.

“As a physician with decades of experience, I believe that the virus has mutated, mainly due to a higher degree of person-to-person transmission and due to more severe forms of clinical pictures in relation to the first wave of the disease,” said Adzic Vukicevic .

She pointed out for today’s “Blic” that she does not deal with basic medicine, that is, research, immunology, but stated that she is deeply convinced that multiple mutations have occurred at the base of this RNA virus.

Adzic Vukicevic estimated that the Batajnica hospital appeared at the right time, when the daily number of patients was around 8,000 and when all the capacities available in the hospitals were practically fulfilled.

Likewise, he pointed out that currently 533 patients are treated in the hospital, and pointed out that the other part of the building is not yet in operation and that the total capacity of the hospital is 930 places.

Regarding the age structure of the patients in Batajnica, he says that it is different and that their average age is 67 years. It indicates that the youngest patient is 23 years old and the oldest 96 years old.

– Of the 85 places available in intensive care units, 42 (49 percent) patients are currently intubated, while the remaining patients are on some of the other types of assisted ventilation, namely non-invasive mechanical ventilation (NIV) , about 30 percent of them, and about 20 percent of patients on machines with a high flow of oxygen – said Adzic Vukicevic and highlights as a great success that the team of anesthesiologists two days ago managed to separate seven patients from the machine in just one day.

He called on the public to respect all protection measures, especially to wear a mask and maintain a physical distance.

– The disease is also present around us. The most dangerous are healthy carriers, Adzic Vukicevic warned.

(Kurir.rs/ Tanjug)

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