DID NOT HEAR grandmother Mirka (82) who sold a mattress for 120,000 dinars for a social case and now has to pay more than a THIRD PENSION


Cruel. This could be said of the action of the employees of the company “Lupo Group” who sold a mattress of 120,000 dinars to Mirko Stanišić, in social danger. Mirka, who has difficulty moving, lives in Donja Gorevnica, about fifty meters from the road, in a dilapidated and unplastered house, there is no water and there are almost no things in the house. He is 82 years old and lives on an agricultural pension of 11,000 dinars. The company “Lupo” says that Mirka was “conscious and oriented”.

Forgotten by all, Mirka lives alone, in an old house where there is no bathroom or kitchen, with an insufficient pension to cover the most basic necessities of life. Although it is a difficult social case, which can be seen at every turn, she was attacked by the salesmen of the company “Lupo Group”, who sold her an expensive mattress last November, writes the Ozon press.

– They told me that PIO was sending them to visit retirees, to do what I needed. I was hoping they would come and they came. They arrived late at night. They were very nice, they took off my socks, they put a mattress on me… They behaved very well. At no point did I know that they were going to deduct from my pension, nor did they tell me anything. They only told me that I would be reborn when I woke up, that I would be better and that I would be grateful. They didn’t ask me how I lived when they saw the conditions in the house, that it had no water, that the walls here were almost bare. They took a check and saw how much my pension was. They saw that first – says Mirka.

From the pension of 11,000 dinars, almost 5,000 are deducted, for a period of 30 months. He says that these are his only income, of which he has to pay firewood, buy food, water, but also people who will bring it to him because he cannot move.

BillPhoto: Youtube / LAV plus TV / youtube


– I didn’t know my pension would be taken away from me until I received my first pension. When I saw that I was missing 5,000 dinars, I called a neighbor who explained to me and was surprised, because I cannot live with 7,000. That is my only income, I have to pay for the firewood, the water that they bring me and buy to eat. And I don’t have that when, I have to pay them to come. I am seriously ill, I cannot stand up, I can hardly get water. It’s hard to live this life, everyone is busy, and who asks you. Fight if you can. I lie down for several days, without eating or drinking – says Mirko through tears.

The Lupo Group responded that Mirka was aware of what he was buying.

Grandmother mirkoPhoto: Youtube / LAV plus TV / youtube

Grandmother mirko

– During the sale she was conscious and oriented and very willing to talk, since she lives alone. The definition of social case is a broad term, and the products in our sales range are available to everyone, precisely because it is possible to buy in a large number of installments – they say of this company.

Mirka was able to equip the entire room for 120,000 dinars, which is all in her life today. Alone, eager for stories and support, she was easy prey for merchants.

Until you get sick, you don’t know what to expect. I sought to help everyone, and I stepped on the water and mud and helped, but everything fell into the water. Everyone cares about their own business – says Mirka Stanišić at the end, writes Ozon Press.

No social assistance

Mirka does not receive welfare because she cannot get all the documentation. It is difficult to get around and you do not have the means to go to the local office nearby or to the city.

– I have a woman who helps me from time to time, cleans the house, brings water to drink in two or three days, but she is also too busy. Buy me bread and something to eat. But it’s hard for me to eat, I can’t prepare or go shopping. I asked for help, but even that, someone has to go to the local office to get my certificate and take it to social services. There is no one to see me. Until I receive the confirmation, I have nothing to receive. I would like to receive a guard, but there is no one – says Mirko.
